Trailer: Trance by Danny Boyle

Trailer: Trance by Danny Boyle

Directed by Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours), Trance feels like a psychological thriller, that will probably leave the viewers to ponder on what is real, throughout the entire film. Boyle’s last movie, 127 Hours, felt like a “trance” with the hallucinations and dream sequences. Boyle is known for his wild visual styles, cool music, and rough editing. So, I’m looking forward to this. …

‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’ Gets Joseph Gordon-Levitt… oh and Josh Brolin, too

‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’ Gets Joseph Gordon-Levitt… oh and Josh Brolin, too

JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT SIN CITY A DAME TO KILL FOR ROBERT RODRIGUEZ FRANK MILLER  Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Gets Joseph Gordon Levitt... oh and Josh Brolin, too

There’s been a lot of rumors swirling lately about JGL possibly being cast in Guardians of the Galaxy but now it’s been confirmed that he will in fact be taking the role of Johnny in this latest Frank Miller/Robert Rodriguez project instead, a part which was originally offered to Johnny Depp. Levitt had this to say: ”I love how the first movie uses VFX, not to make fake things look real, but to create a heightened world unburdened by the look and feel of reality.  Plus, nobody makes a badass like Mr. Rodriguez.” This new character of Johnny not …

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Hansel & Gretel WH Red Band Trailer #2

Hansel & Gretel WH Red Band Trailer #2

I love the visuals in this one. At least it looks like Hansel’s character will be enough of a badass to please Jeremy Renner. While I’m not so sure this trailer fully deserves the red band, I’ll definitely be seeing Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters when it opens March 1……

First Clip Of Dark Knight Returns Part 2

First Clip Of Dark Knight Returns Part 2

The animated flick, Dark Knight Returns Part 1 was surprisingly great.  I thought it would be crap but I loved the tone and slow pace.  Just don’t confuse slow as boring because the movie was exciting.  I loved the buildup.

Part 2 comes out Jan 29th and Wb has released the first clip of slow ass Batman taking out slow reflex cops.  These clips look silly because it’s taken out of context of the entire film…I hope.  Anyways….


Streaming Review: Stake Land (2010)

Streaming Review: Stake Land (2010)

Stake land Streaming Review: Stake Land (2010)

I don’t know how I missed this one. It was released in April of 2011 but it didn’t come to my town, or I was too busy with school to notice. But I wish I had because I really liked Stake Land.  It’s sort of a serious cross between Zombieland and the Walking Dead except with vampires, and with a little Mad Max thrown in for good measure. Stake Land follows Mister, your seasoned badass vampire hunter and Martin, a young teen he saved the night the kid’s parents got killed, as they make their way north in search of …

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Thoughts on Star Wars, Disney, JJ Abrams and the End of the World

Thoughts on Star Wars, Disney, JJ Abrams and the End of the World

You remember that day, not so long ago, that the voices of a million Star Wars fans cried out at once – and were silenced…?  When the corporate monster Disney announced that it purchased all the rights to the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas spawning a flurry of Disney/Star Wars mashups on Tumbler and causing writers, directors and actors looking to score an iconic role alike to come out of the woodwork and kiss all kinds of Disney butt?

Disney acquires Lucasfilm Bring on the Star Wars mashups Thoughts on Star Wars, Disney, JJ Abrams and the End of the World

(Although I have to admit, I am loving the idea of Stitch as a Sith)

Normally, the prospect of another Star

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Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The long awaited return to the Middle-Earth has finally arrived in the form of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first of a new prequel trilogy that adapts both The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, does this new film capture the magic of the epic LOTR trilogy or are we facing another Phantom Menace on our hands? Let’s find out!

The main of the film revolves around a younger Bilbo Baggins as he is swept into an adventure by the always badass wizard, Gandalf the Grey, to save the now destroyed Dwarven kingdom of Erebor from the dragon Smaug that now resides

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Trailer – The Place Beyond The Pines

Trailer – The Place Beyond The Pines

In The Place Beyond The Pines, Ryan Gosling plays a new father trying to make ends meet, he ultimately ends up doing stupid things. The story seems intriguing, and the cinematography looks wonderful. But, I expect this movie to be very slow, as it is directed by Derek Cianfrance, the same director of Blue Valentine.

Blue Valentine wasn’t a bad movie, it was just very very slow.


Trailer – Butterfly Room

Trailer – Butterfly Room

Butterfly Room is a horror story about an elderly neighbor, with many secrets. The fact that she collects butterflies makes her creepy already. No, not really. But, don’t you dare laugh when they present you with the names of the cast, these are legends in this movie from films like Jeepers Creepers and such.

Seriously though, this could be a fun film.


Ip Man Movie to Open Berlin Film Festival

Ip Man Movie to Open Berlin Film Festival

wkw grandmasters Ip Man Movie to Open Berlin Film Festival

Being that director Wong Kar Wai was named President of the festival, it seems only fitting that a film he directed would open the festival on February 7, 2013.  In The Grandmasters (or Grandmaster depending on who you talk to), Tony Leung Chiu Wai (Infernal Affairs) will be playing Ip Man instead of Donnie Yen. Ziyi Zhang (Crouching Tiger) and Chang Chen (2046) also star. Ip Man, as many know already, is a martial arts teacher who is famous for having taught Bruce Lee.

Here is a synopsis of The Grandmasters:

With martial arts getting more

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