Movie Review: Oceans (Disneynature)

Movie Review: Oceans (Disneynature)

OCEANS 1 Movie Review: Oceans (Disneynature)

Disneynature does it again with the hypnotic and visually stunning new nature documentary called Oceans. Last Earth Day, Disney released Earth, which was terrific, but was mostly footage from Planet Earth edited down to feature-length. Disneynature got Oceans from France and director Jacques Perrin. Perin made the justly beloved documentary Winged Migration and Oceans is a spectacular sight to behold. It deserves to be seen on the biggest screen possible, it’s just a pity that it isn’t playing on the IMAX. This is exactly the kind of movie that belongs on an IMAX screen, How to Train Your Dragon be damned.…

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6 Cool Scenes From Michael Bay

6 Cool Scenes From Michael Bay

mike bay 6 Cool Scenes From Michael Bay

Director Michael Bay might not be winning any awards soon but it’s guaranteed that his movies will have epic moments.  Even his worst movie, ” Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen” had a kick ass fight between Optimus and the Decepticons.  Many moviegoers despise Bay, but I like the way he makes the scenes so heroic.  Below are the top 6 scenes from Michael Bay:

Warning: This contains spoilers, so read at your own risk!

6)  Pearl Harbor – Doolittle Raid Take Off

pearl harbor ver6 6 Cool Scenes From Michael Bay
There were two great things going for Pearl Harbor: John McClane and Alec Baldwin. McClane was only in it …

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Movie Review: The Losers Turn Out to be Winners

Movie Review: The Losers Turn Out to be Winners

1Sht LSR Movie Review: The Losers Turn Out to be Winners

After finding out that Silvain White was directing the Losers, the only thing that popped into my mind was Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Zoe Saldana stomping the yard. As you can tell, Stomp the Yard and its ridiculous title made my eyes roll, only second to You Got Served (I did like the dance sequences). But my negative thoughts quickly disappeared and I was enjoying the movie.

Our Losers, Jensen (Chris Evans, playing a dorky but funny tech), Pooch (Columbus Short, he’s the weapons guy with a baby coming), Roque (Idris

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Hitler Memes on YouTube Taken Down by Film Company

Hitler Memes on YouTube Taken Down by Film Company

moz screenshot Hitler Memes on YouTube Taken Down by Film Companymoz screenshot 1 Hitler Memes on YouTube Taken Down by Film Company

youtube hitler downfall meme parody Hitler Memes on YouTube Taken Down by Film Company

Just like Hitler, Constantin Films, the German film production company, and YouTube have been targeting a select group…of videos. The victims are the Hitler “Downfall” parody videos, a meme that involves a clip from the movie Downfall, made by Constantin Films themselves, where Hitler reacts to current events with the help of altering the original subtitle. The tamer the event, the funnier it is. For Xbox Live fans out there, the “Hitler on Xbox Live” is recommended. They have a Downfall parody video for almost anything including “Hitler Finds Out Michael Jackson is Dead”, “Hitler Wants Fedor to Fight in the …

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More Prince of Persia Featurettes with Parkour and Assassins

More Prince of Persia Featurettes with Parkour and Assassins

shirtless jake gyllenhaal prince of persia stunt More Prince of Persia Featurettes with Parkour and Assassins

Disney is really pimping out Prince of Persia and here we have two featurettes talking about stunts, parkour with David Belle (parkour creator) and the Hassansins. Sexy Jake Gyllenhaal is also shirtless for your viewing pleasure.…

Top 5 Stoner Movies

Top 5 Stoner Movies

2508200938263Stoners in Half Baked Top 5 Stoner Movies

Happy 420 everyone, I though it would be fun to list some of my favorite stoner movies of all time. What makes a good stoner movie? First of all, there has to be pot.  Then there needs be some sort of story, and above all it’s got to be funny while high. The finale and most important rule can be a deal breaker when judging a stoner movie. For instance Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle; funny movie. Watching Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle high; surprisingly not that funny.

Here are some honorable mentions that didn’t make …

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Tron Legacy Viral Video: NERDSociety Joins Flynn Lives in Taking Over of Encom Press Conference

Tron Legacy Viral Video: NERDSociety Joins Flynn Lives in Taking Over of Encom Press Conference

 Tron Legacy Viral Video: NERDSociety Joins Flynn Lives in Taking Over of Encom Press Conference joins the Flynn Lives rally in preparation to overtake the Encom Press Conference in San Francisco during WonderCon 2010. Flynn Lives crashes the conference and announces to the world that Kevin Flynn (Space Paranoids, Tron) is still out there. Poor Alan Bradley gets interrupted by the Flynn Lives’ crew and then they were also interrupted by a guy in a parachute who’s been identified as Sam Flynn, Kevin Flynn’s son. Check out our video below.…

TV on DVD Review: Haunted: The Complete Series

TV on DVD Review: Haunted: The Complete Series

Haunted CompleteSeries TV on DVD Review: Haunted: The Complete Series

Haunted was an extremely short-lived series that debuted in 2002 on the struggling UPN Network. Dark, violent, and humorless, the series aired after Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and just wasn’t the right fit at the time, and didn’t have the good fortune to be on the right network. Haunted would have been much more successful on FOX, where X-Files and Millennium aired and were hits for the network. Haunted most resembles the Chris Carter series Millennium in tone and style. Mark Snow’s creepy score and the overall weirdo atmosphere add much to this unique series. Star Matthew Fox is effective as …

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Movie Review Remix (CCFMDS): Kick-Ass

Movie Review Remix (CCFMDS): Kick-Ass

Kick Ass 1 Movie Review Remix (CCFMDS): Kick Ass

Kick-Ass is an insanely entertaining hodgepodge of different genres, and manages to have a fresh spin on the superhero/comic book flick. With its pornographic levels of violence and overall hipster indifference to blood-spurting goodness, the flick definitely isn’t for everyone. Famed critic Roger Ebert hated the movie and gave it a measly one star rating. Ebert has been known to sometimes go on moral rants about violence he finds distrubing in movies, usually involving women or children. Ebert famously hated Blue Velvet and snapped during his review because he felt it exploited Isabella Rosselini, despite the fact that she was dating …

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Movie Review: KICK-ASS

Movie Review: KICK-ASS

shut up kick ass poster Movie Review: KICK ASSLike a cross between John Woo’s The Killer and Stephen Chow’s Kung Fu HustleKICK-ASS fires on all cylinders and delivers every fan boys wet dream; a comic book adaptation that does the source justice and ups the ante with over the top violence and laughs.

IMDB Synopsis: Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan with a few friends and who lives alone with his father. His life is not very difficult and his personal trials not that overwhelming. However, one day he makes the simple decision to become a super-hero even though he has …

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