Shia LaBeouf Talks Smack on Transformers and Indiana Jones

Shia LaBeouf Talks Smack on Transformers and Indiana Jones

transformers shia poster l Shia LaBeouf Talks Smack on Transformers and Indiana Jones

Shia LaBeouf must have had an epiphany making the Wall Street sequel.  In the past week, LaBeouf has been talking trash on his two cash cow franchises: Transformers and Indiana Jones.  It seemed like he saw the crapiness in Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen that we all suffered through and said:

From AP:

“When I saw the second movie, I wasn’t impressed with what we did.  We got lost. We tried to get bigger. It’s what happens to sequels. It’s like, how do you top the first one? You’ve got to go bigger.  Mike (Bay, who directed) went so big

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Rollercoaster Tycoon…MOVIE?

Rollercoaster Tycoon…MOVIE?

281x21174 Rollercoaster Tycoon...MOVIE?

In the history of bad movie ideas, this definitely has to be up there. Granted there have been bad movie ideas that have turned out to be great films, but I highly doubt this is one of them. Rollercoaster Tycoon is a simulation game about building and maintaining an amusement park with no actual character interaction. Apparently the movie will be a mix of CGI and live action, but the storyline is still unknown. Unfortunately Sony is not the only studio venturing into making movies out of games with no plot. Universal bought the rights to do an “Asteroids” …

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New Green Lantern Set Pics

New Green Lantern Set Pics

Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern costume movie image 452x600 New Green Lantern Set PicsNew set pictures have surface showing star Ryan Reynolds in what appears to be a motion capture suit on the set of The Green Lantern.  Earlier reports indicated that Ryan’s Green Lantern Suit will be entirely CG for the film.  Not too long ago pictures also surfaced of Green Lantern villain Hector Hammond played by the usually handsome looking Peter Sarsgraad.

One picture that I’ve been looking foreword to seeing is Mark Strong as Green Lantern mentor/nemesis Sinsetor.  In an interview with USA Today Strong confirmed that the film would follow the original story of the comic books.


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Pixar Cancels NEWT

Pixar Cancels NEWT

Newt Pixar Cancels NEWT

News has surfaced today that the Pixar film NEWT has been canceled.  The film was originally set to be released along with The Bear and the Bow which is now called BRAVE.  The cancellation may have largely to do with the development of  Cars 2 & Monsters Inc. 2.  This is Pixar’s first canceled film and it makes me worried that they mostly have sequels lined up of amazing films that are timeless classics.   Sometimes movies are better off without sequels Pixar got lucky with Toy Story 2 but can lighting hit twice with Toy Story 3.   I …

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thor2 Thor!Well if you haven’t heard by now then your obviously not among the millions of people who watched IRON MAN 2IRON MAN 2 topped the Box-Office at #1 making 133 million on it’s opening weekend.  Even with success of the film everyone was talking about the scene after the credits that featured Thor’s trusty hammer Mjöllnir. The hammer appears next to a gigantic crater which many believed that Mjöllnir is what created it but after reviewing the scene I noticed that the S.H.I.E.L.D agent says that they had found “him” not “it.”  So its got to be Thor laying …

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Disney’s STAR WARS Weekend Preview

Disney’s STAR WARS Weekend Preview

Star Wars Disney 2 Disneys STAR WARS Weekend Preview

Disney is gearing up for it’s annual STAR WARS Weekends held at the Hollywood Studios theme park in the Walt Disney World Resort.  In preparation for the event Disney has release some hilarious advertisements showcasing many familiar STAR WARS characters enjoying their time in “the happiest place on earth.” The festival will feature many appearances by the cast and crew of the STAR WARS franchise.   In addition to live stage shows many familiar Disney characters will be dress in STAR WARS attire.  Somebody get me a picture of Emperor Stitch!  Also as part of the festivities there will be …

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New Set Pictures From Conan Prequel

New Set Pictures From Conan Prequel

conan 03 momoa New Set Pictures From Conan Prequel

New pictures have surfaced on the forum of a fan-site dedicated to the new Conan film.  The pictures show a first look at Jason Momoa, who many will remember from Stargate Atlantis, as Conan.  The film will follow a younger Conan making it separate from the films that starred Arnold Scharwzenegger.

Judging from the pictures Jason Momoa looks a little more like The Scorpion King than Conan the Barbarian.

comparison New Set Pictures From Conan Prequel

It’s still to early to judge this one but it’s not at all comforting to know that this film is directed by the same man that directed …

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Godzilla Returns

Godzilla Returns

GODZILLA VS SPACE GODZILLA Japanese Godzilla ReturnsI love me some GODZILLA.  When I was a kid if I wasn’t watching JAWS movies I was watching GODZILLA movies.  Which of course led to my very first script JAWS VS GODZILLA.  Although Steven Spielberg never got back to me the big radioactive lizard has always held a special place in my heart.    There is just something about a man in a giant rubber suit destroying model airplanes and tanks that pleases the child in me.

News has surfaced that Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are planning to bring the big Kahuna back to the big screen in …

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Movie Review Remix: Iron Man 2

Movie Review Remix: Iron Man 2

Iron Man 1 1 Movie Review Remix: Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 is both way too much and way too little at the same time. It’s overstuffed with cheesy villains and incident, while at the same time having a weak screenplay and some uneven acting. Robert Downey Jr basically saves the movie but the political stuff is forced and the satire complete with Gary Shandling as a nerdy senator is forced and lame, it’s almost enough to make me miss the right-wing Iron Man of the first flick who gunned down Arab terrorists for kicks.

The action scenes are also nothing to write home about and some of the new …

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Men In Black Comes to 3D May 25, 2012

Men In Black Comes to 3D May 25, 2012

Men In Black III Announcement Men In Black Comes to 3D May 25, 2012

Columbia Pictures has announced today that Men in Black III will be in 3D (Thanks Avatar). It will be released on May 25, 2012 with Walter F. Parkes and Laurie MacDonald returning as producers and Barry Sonnenfeld returning as director. Let’s not forget Will Smith while we’re at it. Tommy Lee Jones is still in the negotiation’s stage while Josh Brolin is also in talks to play as young Agent Kay.

Jeff Blake, Chairman of Sony Pictures Worldwide Marketing and Distribution said, “Sony’s summer of 2012 will get off to a red hot start with an incredible new 3D adventure for …

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