David Fincher’s Social Network Trailer

David Fincher’s Social Network Trailer

From Slashfilm

social network banner David Finchers Social Network Trailer

David Fincher’s Social Network is about the birth of Facebook.


The trailer feels over-dramatic, but I’m still interested in seeing the film. Especially, seeing how big Facebook is now, it would be nice to see how people screwed each other! I wonder what Facebook has to say about this?…

Blu-ray Review: Alexander

Blu-ray Review: Alexander

alexander bluray Blu ray Review: Alexander

From the theatrical version, I remembered Alexander as lacking and unimpressive. The film never conveyed why Alexander was such a great leader, I never understood his philosophies. Oh, how a Director’s Cut release can make so much difference. The Blu-ray version is the Director’s Cut, which I believe is the third version of the film. To me, this is the best version because it tells more of how Alexander became the great leader, he was shaped by both parents, whom disliked each other. His mother gave him the cunning ability to judge people, while his father gave him advice on …

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Conan Early Photos

Conan Early Photos

Thanks to ConanMovieBlog, here are a few pics of Jason Mamoa as Conan the Barbarian, the lady Nerds would love this guy! Mamoa has the edgy look required to play the rough Barbarian. Not shown in the pics below, Ron Pearlman is also part of the film.

conan Conan Early Photos

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conan3 Conan Early Photos

The film looks interesting, I’m looking forward to the trailer!…

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Dancing Superheroes? Why Not!

Dancing Superheroes? Why Not!

From the Director of Step Up 2 The Streets, comes LXD (League of Extraordinary Dancers). The premise – two groups of dancers with Superhero powers will face each other in the web-only series exclusive to Hulu. The storyline might sound plain ridiculous, but the trailer is beautiful. Check it out!

See the similarity in the editing for Step Up 2 trailer:

Great trailer, now on to the show (searches Hulu)!

LXD Official Site

Source: USA Today

Early Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Early Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Jack is back, as seen in the photos below courtesy of Popsugar. Johnny Depp reunites with Geoffrey Rush, as they search for the Fountain of Youth in POTC4. But, it’s never that easy as Blackbeard and his daughter are also after the elusive elixir.

pirates of the caribbean1 Early Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean 4

pirates of the caribbean2 533x355 Early Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Working in the sandy beaches of Hawaii? Sign me up!…

New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz), Scott Pilgrim vs. The World stars Michael Cera (Superbad) who falls in love with a girl, but there’s a catch. In order to get her, he must fight and defeat all 7 ex-boyfriends.

The new poster from Empire Magazine:

scott pilgrim New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World


Here are the older teaser posters:

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scott pilgrim04 New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

scott pilgrim05 New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

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scott pilgrim07 New Poster: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

None of these posters makes me want to go see the movie, they need to try harder! All it tells me that a bunch of average looking guys are pretending to be super-heroes, not unlike Kick-ass’ poster. Although, Kick-ass was my favorite movie of …

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AT-AT Day Afternoon

AT-AT Day Afternoon

You ever wonder what it would be like to have an AT-AT as a pet?  Well in real life, they’re not as big as in Empire Strikes Back, they’re more like the size of a dog.  Maybe they got smaller ever since Star Wars since that was set “A long time ago.”

Check out this AT-AT:

Below is the behind the scenes of the short film:

I’m really impressed with what Patrick Boivin has created.  Most stop motion vids feature flat background, while this one involved real background and real people.  I also like how he played around with the depth …

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Ridley Scott Wants To Work With You

Ridley Scott Wants To Work With You

ridley Ridley Scott Wants To Work With You

Ridley Scott, the director known for Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator will be producing a documentary based on youtube footage uploaded on July 24, 2010.  The documentary will be directed by Kevin MacDonald (State Of Play).  The purpose of the project is to showcase the different lifestyles from all over the world in one single day.  MacDonald will choose the most interesting topics and subjects and compile it into the movie.  According to collider.com, the documentary will debut next year at Sundance Festival.

This type of project has been done before in photography books and the different lifestyles are always …

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Q & A With Sorcerer’s Apprentice Nicolas Cage

Q & A With Sorcerer’s Apprentice Nicolas Cage

sorcerers apprentice nicolas cage2 Q & A With Sorcerers Apprentice Nicolas Cage

In the new epic comedy adventure movie, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, fan favorite Nicolas Cage as a sorcerer living in present day New York looking for a new wizard to mentor.  The movie is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and will be released on July 14, 2010.  Cage’s passion for Disney and the King Arthur mythology made the movie come to life.

Q:  Where did you get the idea for “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”?

A:  I had been very interested in the mythology of King Arthur—the legend and lore. I had spent quite a bit of time in England, specifically in that area of …

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Wonder Woman Movie Sketch?

Wonder Woman Movie Sketch?

The sketches were supposedly made by Hollywood costumer designer, Shawna Trpcic as Joss Whedon was working on the now defunct Wonder Woman movie, bleedingcool.com reports.  The sketch on the right from the first picture looks the best but I don’t know if that will translate well in a movie.  Her costume is too colorful and the stars all over her makes it look cheesy.  Whatever DC does with the movie, I hope they won’t go with the new outfit.  YUCK!

wonderwhedon 570x760 Wonder Woman Movie Sketch?

wonderwhedon2 Wonder Woman Movie Sketch?

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