Infernal Affairs Music Video

Infernal Affairs Music Video

infernal affairs 1024 Infernal Affairs Music Video

Infernal Affairs was the original film, remade in Hollywood by Martin Scorsese as The Departed.

I was browsing Youtube and found this Music Video:

Here’s the Trailer:

Most people saw The Departed, but if you haven’t seen Infernal Affairs, I highly recommend it. In my opinion, Tony Leung’s performance is better than Leonardo DiCaprio’s. Also, the ending is somewhat different.…

Tales From Earthsea Premiere Poster & Trailer

Tales From Earthsea Premiere Poster & Trailer

Tales from Earthsea was released in Japan on July 26, 2006.  It’s directed by Goro Miyazaki, son of Hayao Miyazaki (Ponyo, Princess Mononoke).  For a movie closed to 4 years old, the animation looks top notch.  I like the smooth look to the movie.  The character/creature designs reminds me of Mononoke.

Below is the trailer:

The movie will be released in the U.S on August 13, 2010.  Having just watched Ponyo, I’m ready for Studio Ghibli film!  It seems to have the same story as Dragonheart but hopefully the execution will be better.…

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Conan: The Musical

Conan: The Musical

conan1 Conan: The Musical

While waiting for the first trailer of the new Conan film to come out, here’s a Conan Musical we can all enjoy!

This video might be silly, but editing probably took a lot of time and effort, thanks to Legolambs for uploading the video.…

Steven Seagal Poster For Machete

Steven Seagal Poster For Machete

Robert Rodriguez has a knack  for getting A-list celebs to work on his low budget pics.  Bruce Willis worked with him on Planet Terror while Depp was in Once Upon A Time In Mexico.  For Rodriguez’s next flick, Machete, he got the biggest celeb of all time: Steven Seagal!

Seagal is so famous that most of his movies have been straight to video the past ten years.  They all have similar titles, like:

Driven To Kill

Out For A Kill

Today You Die

There’s one movie too where he played a zombie hunter and he walked around the city in slo-mo …

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Kick-Ass And Hit Girl Comic Con Exclusive

Kick-Ass And Hit Girl Comic Con Exclusive

Mezco is offering another set of Mez-Itz’s at Comic Con.  This time, it’s for my favorite movie of the year so far, Kick-Ass.  The bundle comes with Kick-Ass and Hit Girl and mini version in keychains.  This one is cheaper than the $40 Batman & Joker bundle that Mezco is also offering.  The set can be purchased for $35.

kickass mezitz Kick Ass And Hit Girl Comic Con Exclusive
I really dig the Kick-Ass figure.  It captures his nerdiness and blood all over his face makes it funny.  Hit Girl looks like a turtle so I’m digging it too much.  I hope they’ll release Big Daddy soon…..KRYPTOOOOOOOOONIIIITE!…

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Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

Many fans have been wondering why Optimus doesn’t have his trailer in the movies.  Well it looks like Michael Bay listened to the fans as several pics from shows Optimus with his trailer.  Tranformers 3 is shooting right now in Chicago and the filmmakers supposedly want to upstage the action scenes from the Dark Knight.

TF3ChicagoDay1 21 Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

DSC058161 Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

Other recent TF 3 pics shows Tyrese with the new female lead, Rosie Huntington-Whitely as well as a sports car sporting some machine guns.

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1278887978 Epps1 Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

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1278780573 TF3Filming11 Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

DSC058811 Optimus Prime Trailer in Transformers 3

Below is footage of Optimus Prime with the trailer in the streets of Chicago:

I’m wondering what the trailer will transform …

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Rise of the Apes Announced

Rise of the Apes Announced

planet apes Rise of the Apes Announced

From Slashfilm, a prequel to Planet of the Apes (not the Tim Burton version) is scheduled to be released Summer 2011. The biggest news, and the saddest for the purist Ape fans, is that 20th Century Fox announced that the Apes will not be played by humans. They will be in CG created by WETA Digital, the same fellas behind Avatar.

planet apes2 Rise of the Apes Announced

I am normally against CGI based movies, such as the super awful 2012. But, with the right guidance, CGI can be utilized very well. In this case, CGI Apes might work best for the success …

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Trailer: The Last Exorcism

Trailer: The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism 450x345 Trailer: The Last Exorcism


Nothing original, but it still looks good, and the fact that it’s a low-budget film even gives it a creepier feel. Eli Roth is an entertaining director, but I’ve never taken any of his films seriously. The Last Exorcism feels serious, but I’m afraid that it’s going to turn into one of those unintentional-funny films.…

Kevin Bacon Potential Cast For X-Men: First Class

Kevin Bacon Potential Cast For X-Men: First Class

Reports from Deadline is that, Kevin Bacon might play the villain of the film.

The other X-men: First Class casts include:

Although, this might feel like a Disney TV Show with all the 17-year olds casted for the movie, I am, nonetheless, excited for this film. I am a big fan of Kick-Ass, and Director, Matthew Vaughn, seems to know what he’s doing.…

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James Cameron Makes $350 Million

James Cameron Makes $350 Million

avatar poster James Cameron Makes $350 Million

Deadline reports that James Camerson makes 350 million for Avatar! That’s more than what high-budget movies cost these days. But, Avatar grossed almost 3 Billion worldwide, so $350 million sounds about right for Cameron. And, they’re not done yet. The studio is also planning on releasing an Avatar 3D DVD come November, plus the high-grossing film will also resurface in the theatres with 8-minutes worth of never-before-seen footage in IMAX. I don’t think it would be worth the money, but I wasn’t a big fan of the original release to begin with.

Don’t forget, Titanic 3D will also be …

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