Blu-Ray Star Wars Set For $30

Blu-Ray Star Wars Set For $30

sw bluray Blu Ray Star Wars Set For $30
The Star Wars saga is coming to Blu-Ray starting next week, Sept. 16.  Toys R Us will have episodes 4-6 (the original trilogy) for $30.  I wasn’t planning to buy it on release date because box sets usually get cheaper around the Holidays, especially Black Friday.  But for $10 each per movie, why not.  There has been controversy (surprise, surprise) because Lucas messed with the original cut again.  Here’s the most significant one:…

Streaming Review:  Chocolate (2008) Thailand

Streaming Review: Chocolate (2008) Thailand


2176305185 8c114039b4 o Streaming Review:  Chocolate (2008) Thailand

Chocolate is a Thai movie directed by Prachya Pinkaew (who directed the groundbreaking Tony Jaa vehicle Ong-Bak Thai Warrior) about an autistic girl who can absorb martial arts abilities by watching them either  on TV or in person.   The girl named Zen (played by JeeJa Yanin) is the love child of two butt kickers who are forced to split by a jealous mob boss.  The mom takes Zen and disappears and eventually this young girl starts to exhibit innate hand-eye coordination abilities which go beyond what the average little girl can do.  Her only drawbacks are that she is …

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Transformers 3 To Be Released on Blu-Ray 9/30 Without 3D?

Transformers 3 To Be Released on Blu-Ray 9/30 Without 3D?

tf3 Transformers 3 To Be Released on Blu Ray 9/30 Without 3D?
Possible cover for the 3D version.

The insider at is telling the forum that Transformers 3 will be released on blu-ray and DVD on Friday, September 30th.  He said Paramount wants to release movies quickly because of piracy.  The version that’ll be released at the end of the month will only be bare bones.  The 3D version will come out in December and the special collector’s edition in between.  The date of the September release has gained momentum because several forum members verified they saw ads for it on their smart phones with the date.  Also, Wal-Mart and Netflix has …

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Sega to Release Hatsune Miku AX Show on CD/DVD and Blu-Ray

Sega to Release Hatsune Miku AX Show on CD/DVD and Blu-Ray

In case you missed the Anime Expo 2011 in Los Angeles, fans of the virtual idol Hatsune Miku will still get to experience her live performance there when Sega releases the CD and DVD on December 21.  According to ANN, 5000 fans attended the concert and also got to see Miku’s buddies Kagamine Len & Rin and Megurine Luka.  I’m surprised Black Rock Shooter didn’t make an appearance.  I’m sure she would’ve been a huge hit.

vocaloid Sega to Release Hatsune Miku AX Show on CD/DVD and Blu Ray

The CD will cost around $40 bucks while the DVD/Blu-Ray will be around $95.  I’ve seen clips of her concert in Japan and, being …

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Blu-Ray Review: Trollhunter

Blu-Ray Review: Trollhunter

trollhunter Blu Ray Review: Trollhunter

Trollhunter is a Norwegian movie that’s similar to Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield’s camerawork.  It’s shot handheld with a “camcorder” and everything is scene through the cameraman’s point of view.  While the American movies focused on the mystery and vagueness of their subjects, Trollhunter isn’t afraid to show the giant creatures clearly.  In the beginning of the movie, 3 journalists are investigating mysterious bear deaths in the beautiful and scenic Norway.  They suspect one hunter is the culprit for all the killings but as they dig deeper, the journalists find out that human eating giant trolls actually exist. 

The movie has …

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DVD Review: Hanna

DVD Review: Hanna

Hanna DVD Cover DVD Review: Hanna

Hanna is a hard film to pigeonhole. It’s a mix of intense action and has elements of old fairytales (grim ones of course), unique and stylish camera work and stunning visuals. The three main performances are all top-notch with young Saoirse Ronan the standout as an icy killer. Her father (played well by Eric Bana) and a sinister agent named Marissa (played with a crazy zeal by Cate Blanchett) round out the characters.

Hanna is about a 16 year old girl who lives in the icy wilds of Finland with her father. They are on the run from various dark forces …

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Blu-Ray Review: Doctor Who Season 1 Part 1

Blu-Ray Review: Doctor Who Season 1 Part 1

drwho Blu Ray Review: Doctor Who Season 1 Part 1

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’ve never seen an episode of Dr. Who before getting this blu-ray.  Dr. Who is about a time traveler and his adventures through different timelines and environments.  The show started in the U.K. and it’s the longest running tv show in the world with a total of 777 episodes and still going strong.  For the past couple of years, the show picked up steam in the U.S. and now has a dedicated fanbase.

The first episode got me confused because it dealt with characters that the audience was already suppose to know.  There’s the Doctor, …

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$10 Million Scene Deleted From Superman Returns

$10 Million Scene Deleted From Superman Returns

I’m not sure what’s going on here. Superman arrived at the farm as an adult?

10 million dollars? These are the kinds of decisions that will make studio executives cringe. The footage came out with the Anthology set on Blu-ray, and is available now.…

Netflix Price Going Up – Redbox Anyone?

Netflix Price Going Up – Redbox Anyone?

I’ve been a Netflix fan but I just can’t support their latest price increase.  Starting today (September for current members), they have a new price structure.  Pretty much what it comes down to is that it’ll be a $3- $5 increase if you get both streaming and movies delivered to your home.  They’ll also be charged separately with unlimited streaming at $7.99 and also $7.99 for 1 movie at a time.  The total would be $15.98.  Before this it was only $9.99 for both services. 

Right now I have the 2 movies unlimited + blu-ray (extra $3 per month) and I …

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The Adjustment Bureau DVD Debuts at #1

The Adjustment Bureau DVD Debuts at #1

the adjustment bureau04 The Adjustment Bureau DVD Debuts at #1

This film is based on a short story about two star-crossed lovers who keep making their way back to each other despite reluctance on the part of the “Adjustment Bureau” to let them be together.  Playing off the same idea as we’ve seen in films like The Truman Show, Dark City and even the Matrix, the bureau is a group of guys in business attire who have these little notebooks which contain the maps for people’s lives and magic hats that help them transcend different planes of reality.  The maps inside their notebooks change according to the way things …

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