VHS Laptop Skin

VHS Laptop Skin

Remember the days where skipping to your favorite scenes weren’t so easy, or the days when the VCR-heads would tangle the tapes and ruin your favorite movies? I do. Oh, the good ol’ days of VCRs!

vhs laptop skins VHS Laptop Skin

But, if you want to bring back those terrible memories, you can make your laptop look retro! Check out the VHS designed skins at Infectious. They also carry ipod and ipad covers.…

Lifesize Terminator Action Figure

Lifesize Terminator Action Figure

t100 1 Lifesize Terminator Action Figure

From Sideshow – “From the sci-fi classic ‘Terminator 2: Judgement Day’, Sideshow Collectibles is proud to bring Terminator collectors the T-800 Endoskeleton – Version 2.0, standing atop an impressive display base littered with human skulls and debris. Standing over 6 feet tall, the T-800 Endoskeleton is high quality polystone, fiberglass, metals and other materials, complete with light-up eye features (power cord/plug-in). The T-800 Endoskeleton – Version 2.0 is a stunning and imposing piece, sure to become the centerpiece to any collection or display.”

t100 2 Lifesize Terminator Action Figure

And I thought my 1/6th action figures are big!

Price – $6,000

Pre-order – $1200 as down payment.…

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NES Table

NES Table

Wow, this is so cool! Too bad Ikea doesn’t carry these, it’d be a top-seller.

nintendo table NES Table

A guy named Matt made this piece, maybe he’ll do an SNES table next.

Dvice also reported that hidden inside is a fully functional gigantic controller. How does that work? It would need at least 2 guys to efficiently work that thing!

Here’s the video:…

Funny Revoltech Woody Pics

Funny Revoltech Woody Pics

Kajiryouji from TheOneCam loves collecting Revoltech figures and his latest pics has Woody in funny compositions.  For those that don’t know what Revoltech is, they’re Japanese figures that  has ” unique “Revolver Joint” articulation which all of the figures in this particular series utilize. This gives the figures a wide range of motion and stability, allowing for many dynamic and varied poses.”

All of the pics below are from Revoltech figures, Kajiryouji just mashed some of them together.  Make sure to check out TheOneCam for more cool pics!

4970081640 c174bdef89 o Funny Revoltech Woody Pics

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4950149557 76182d835f o Funny Revoltech Woody Pics

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Cute Teddy Bear Hangar

Cute Teddy Bear Hangar

Sort of …..

bear hangar Cute Teddy Bear Hangar

Interested? You can buy it here for $6.…

Skull Cake Anyone?

Skull Cake Anyone?

From notmartha, this is a pretty cool looking cake, it’s nothing pretty or colorful, but it’s definitely different.

skull cake Skull Cake Anyone?
Doesn’t this remind you of Terminator?

skull cake2 Skull Cake Anyone?

skull cake3 Skull Cake Anyone?

To make it look creepier, I would actually add Spaghetti strings coming out from the eye sockets. You can get the pan at Amazon.…

Vintage Toy Of The Week: G.I. Joe Headman!

Vintage Toy Of The Week: G.I. Joe Headman!

HM1 882x1024 Vintage Toy Of The Week: G.I. Joe Headman!

In 1991, Hasbro jumped on board the anti-drug movement with a line of figures from G.I. Joe called the Drug Elimination Force or D.E.F. Headman is the evil leader of the Headhunters a non-Cobra organization that has overrun “Every Town USA” with killer substances.

In the cartoon, Headman was portrayed as an absolute nut who was pretty clean looking compared to the namesake action figure.

This line of toys had begun the most detailed look at the action figure inside the bubble. The file card describes details down to the characters outfit and what accessories they may have.

It’s amazing …

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Bitch’in Toy: Wun-Dar!

Bitch’in Toy: Wun-Dar!

Wundar main 1024x716 Bitchin Toy: Wun Dar!

Wun-Dar, the Wonderbread mail away figure comes to life once again for collectors who weren’t able to get it from the bread company in the early 80’s.
A lot of tales exist for the origins of this figure however, the truth is this: There are photos of proof on the internet, (I just don’t want to take someone’s picture–do a search on Google by typing in Wun-Dar). The first step was to send in a coupon from Wonderbread and in the determined time you were sent a He-Man with darker skin and hair and no outfit, he came with a few …

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Sharp Things: Ultra Violet Sword!

Sharp Things: Ultra Violet Sword!

UltraV Poster Sharp Things: Ultra Violet Sword!

In 2006 moviegoers were treated to one of the most colorful futuristic movies ever made. Featuring Milla Jovovich as the title character Violet; this movie takes you on a wild ride of action and special effects that doesn’t stand still for long.

One of the things I enjoyed most about the movie was the sword Violet used. This long slab of steel, forged in a rectangular fashion with all three edges sharpened sports a solid, leather wrapped handle and no hand guard. The concept for the sword was amazingly fascinating. Engraved on one side of the blade is her script…I mean …

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Interview With Vernon Wells!

Interview With Vernon Wells!

Vernon2 679x1024 Interview With Vernon Wells!

Paladin here; at Wizard World Philly I was given the opportunity to interview Australian actor Vernon Wells live and in person!

Upon approaching his booth I felt the excitement of seeing my idol villain whom I’ve waited 25 years to meet.

This interview was supposed to be setup in advance, however to prove that Vernon Wells is not like the baddies in which he plays on film, he offered to do the interview on the spot.

Nerdsociety/Paladin (NS): Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve waited 25 years, I’m a huge fan! (Yeah, that’s what I said–I must be …

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