Radical Collectable: Great Wars Weapons Pak!

Radical Collectable: Great Wars Weapons Pak!

Wow! This is totally cool! The Great Wars Weapons Pak is loaded to the hilt, it includes a multitude of replacement tools of the trade for Masters of the Universe Classic’s figures.

The Original 80’s weapons paks were tiny compared to this thing, it contains some awesome pieces for the battles ensuing between He-Man and Skeletor!

wep1 1024x1016 Radical Collectable: Great Wars Weapons Pak!

Separated into 10 bubbles, the package includes a gold spear for King Randor, a trident for Mer-Man, two shafts for a long staff and a sceptor for Evil-Lyn’s orb. The second block contains armor for Mer-Man. The third block has armor for Zoar which is …

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Rad Review: Zartan!

Rad Review: Zartan!

One of the easiest figures to acquire in the new line of G.I. Joe action figures is Zartan. A totally classic and popular figure, Zartan comes with an amazing amount of accessories.

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The standard build of Zartan includes a removable “poncho” which reveals his hairless head. With the ever classic face paint. Zartan has an interchangeable head which comes with goggles. Zartan’s “poncho” can them be changed out for a vest which allows him to become a totally different character, not just him with a different face.

Included with Zartan are a shoulder bag to hold the alternate head (which is …

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Threadless Shirt Winners!

Threadless Shirt Winners!

58x48shirt guys 01 Threadless Shirt Winners! 

 The last winner announcement belongs to the Threadless contest.  They were kind enough to give away 2 shirts so I thought it’d be easy picking the winners.  This was probably the hardest because the entries had so many epic nerd moments. 

The first winner is Asriel:

“My nerdiest experience is when i was meeting some new people, and someone asked a question about the AT-AT in a sort of joke, and i went into a 10 minutes speech on the specs and workings of the AT-AT and then realized everyone staring at me, shocked that i knew so much about

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Totally Bitch’in Toy: King Grayskull!

Totally Bitch’in Toy: King Grayskull!

Originally issued at a convention in 3 different variations, King Grayskull returned to shelves for a little more than a day on Mattycollector.com.

King1 718x1024 Totally Bitchin Toy: King Grayskull!

The figures offered at the convention were a standard full color King with the He-Man accessories of a shield, ax and sword. He also included a cape and was packaged in a Castle Grayskull box. The variants were one in translucent blue, the ghost version and a bronze statue version. I always prefer the standard full color and detail over the odd variants.

The new figure in Classic’s packaging includes a shield, a orb of power, a flocked …

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Mimobot Flash Drive Winners!

Mimobot Flash Drive Winners!

This Mimobot contest was the most popular with 60 responses!  Thanks to everyone that participated!!

Let’s see if you can get the correct answer why Mimobot Flashdrives are so popular:

a)  Cool design
b) It has practical use
c) Great licensed characters
d) Appeals to both males, females and robots
e) All of the above.

If you guessed “E”, you are correct! 

My favorite is the Imperial Guard from Star Wars because you can build an army out of it and they just look badass.  For this contest, Mimobot was nice enough to give away 2 free flash drives!  

thumb Mimobot Flash Drive Winners! 

The first …

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Totally Bitch’in Toy: Grizzlor!

Totally Bitch’in Toy: Grizzlor!

Mattycollector.com’s featured figure of the month of November is Grizzlor! The ferocious figure with fur is back with actual brown fur over a highly detailed and articulated body.

Griz1 706x1024 Totally Bitchin Toy: Grizzlor!

Grizzlor comes complete with an arsenal of weapons not offered with the figure before. Including his classic Horde body armor and a new tribal-like loin cloth; Grizzlor also includes an array of weapons. The standard Horde crossbow is just the beginning, this furry bastard comes with a machete, sword and ax. His weapons can then be mounted to the back of his armor to keep it all together.

Griz3 768x1024 Totally Bitchin Toy: Grizzlor!

The figure I received was …

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Rad Review: Cobra Jungle Viper!

Rad Review: Cobra Jungle Viper!

G.I. Joe is back after the 2009 movie series of action figures. Now, the Joes and Cobra are more realistic, nastier looking and have amazing detail and loads of accessories!

If you are looking for Cobra Commander, don’t bother, it’s impossible to get, so Ebay should have it for 10 times the price. The Commander is cool, but all he really is, is a repaint from the movie figure with a chromed head.

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However, the Jungle Viper or better version of the Night Viper is slightly easier to acquire. This Viper is also cooler than any figure that has been produced …

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Totally Bitch’in Toy: Transformers Animated. Soundwave!

Totally Bitch’in Toy: Transformers Animated. Soundwave!

If I was held at gunpoint for some insane reason and asked who my favorite Transformers character is I’d choose Soundwave.

As Megatron’s right hand bot, the Soundwave of the 80’s was a mini tape deck that implored the use of micro cassette soldiers to do his dirty work. Sending the thugs Rumble and Frenzy along with his falcons Laserbeak and Buzzsaw–followed by Ravage the panther and Ratbat…the rat bat–was what made him cooler than the Megatron P38 pistol and all of the seeker jets combined.

Over the years Soundwave came in many different incarnations including a jet, satellite and currently …

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Holy Batmobile…I Mean BatVan

Holy Batmobile…I Mean BatVan

Check out this Batman inspired van from Japan.  To me it looks like a combination of Scorponok and Scoob Doo’s van.  I’m sure this van won’t be going to any drive thru’s in the near future.

batvan Holy Batmobile...I Mean BatVan 

batvan2 Holy Batmobile...I Mean BatVan 

batvan3 Holy Batmobile...I Mean BatVan 

More pics at Iheartchaos.com

$5 Blu-Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal-Mart on Black Friday

$5 Blu-Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal-Mart on Black Friday

Just when I was bummed that Target and Best Buy had mediocre deals for Black Friday, Wal-Mart’s ad was leaked earlier today and I’m excited about it.  They have the best deals so far, with more than 60 Blu-Ray titles for $5 and 30 more at $10.  The $5 Blu-Ray prices are insane because their DVD counterparts is also the same price. Click on the pics for high res version. 

walmart page 10 lo $5 Blu Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal Mart on Black Friday 

With prices like these, it becomes more about greed.  I’ll probably buy Batman Begins for $5 but how many times am I going to watch it?  Probably once every 2 years …

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