Uwe Boll’s Tunnel Rats Review with Video Q&A

Uwe Boll’s Tunnel Rats Review with Video Q&A

 812575 ratio1x1 width180 Uwe Boll’s Tunnel Rats Review with Video Q&A

I knew nothing about this movie coming in for the world premiere. It was a chance for me to meet Uwe Boll for a Q&A before the movie. I was disappointed to find out that he was doing the Q&A via a webcam. The event was being held at Downtown Independent, which was holding an Uwe Boll festival, a two-day marathon of his works including Far Cry, Postal, BloodRayne and Alone in the Dark.

As much as it pains me to say it, this movie is pretty decent. Tunnel Rats is a movie that came out of left field from one …

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Masquerade Ball: Rococo Rendezvous

Masquerade Ball: Rococo Rendezvous

3099183201 c9d7b9388f Masquerade Ball: Rococo Rendezvous

Went to Royal/T to check out Zippercut’s first event: Rococo Rendezvous. The event had most people in Marie Antoinette like outfits, while others were dressed up in steampunk and goth outfits. Got to the place around 9 p.m. and the place was already packed. People were mingling and a lot of pictures were taken.

Here’s a video of the event:…

Early DVD Review: The Dark Knight 2 Disc Special Edition

Early DVD Review: The Dark Knight 2 Disc Special Edition

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Lets get this out of the way first, The Dark Knight more than lives up to the hype. It’s beautifully filmed, extremely well-acted and edited, and its a thrilling experience from start to finish. It has shades of great crime dramas like Heat and Goodfellas, but it’s still a superhero film, so comparing it to others in the same genre seems more apt to me. It even makes Iron Man (which was a fine, entertaining film) look weak. …

Silly Rabbit, Silly String is for Soldiers

Silly Rabbit, Silly String is for Soldiers

80108079 0113 Silly Rabbit, Silly String is for Soldiers

Well I was looking for ideas for my outfits that I wanted to do for a convention, and one of the props that was on the list was Silly String.…

Dir en grey Concert + Weeaboos + Security Bitches = Fun Times

Dir en grey Concert + Weeaboos + Security Bitches = Fun Times

dir en grey saku Dir en grey Concert + Weeaboos + Security Bitches = Fun Times

Dir en grey performed at the Wiltern this past Saturday on November 29, 2008. This was a night after Black Friday, the day I regretted sitting in my car overnight waiting for the doors to open at Circuit City. With little sleep and the cold weather, the sickness caught up to me. Plus I had to drive to Los Angeles with my girlfriend and two other buddies. I mean, one sneeze could do me in.…

Oh Goodness, My First Black Friday

Oh Goodness, My First Black Friday

300 29948 Oh Goodness, My First Black Friday

Oh Black Friday how I loathe you. You taunt me with your sweet deals. Flashing me with super low prices on large LCD HDTVs, so that I can see the high-def craters on Morpheus’ face in The Matrix, a 10mp slim camera that fits in your pocket, for those whip-it-out moments when your friend’s face is being defiled by penis drawings because he was the first to crash on the bed, a GPS system for those times when you missed a damn turn and end up in the ghetto part of town, and let’s not forget the cheap deals for new …

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A Royal Doll Tea Party: Cute Lolitas and Expensive Dolls

A Royal Doll Tea Party: Cute Lolitas and Expensive Dolls

 A Royal Doll Tea Party: Cute Lolitas and Expensive Dolls

I went to my first ever “Doll” show at Royal-T in Culver City. I’ve heard people call these dolls “elfdolls” or “ball-jointed dolls.” Well, it wasn’t just a doll show, it was also a gathering of lolita cosplayers. I have to say that I was surprisingly impressed with what I saw. When I first heard of the event, I was expecting to see just regular looking dolls like Barbie and such. But these dolls were so much different. And NO, it’s not just for girls. Scott, the owner of Valley Of The Dolls, who co-promoted the event, is an avid …

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PMX 08 Recap

PMX 08 Recap

 PMX 08 Recap

Pacific Media Expo (PMX) is similar event to Anime Expo (AX): experiencing Japanese pop culture, especially Anime. Both events have cosplayers. But this is where the similarities end. While Anime Expo has become a huge event every July 4th weekend, Pacific Media Expo is on its last legs. But just because PMX is on its deathbed, didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. …

PMX 08 Pictures

PMX 08 Pictures

PMX 08 was small but I enjoyed it for the cool and friendly people we met. Report will be up tomorrow. For now, enjoy the pics! Glamour Con was also holding an event at the same hotel, so we also took some pics of the babes. More pics after the break!

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My Evening With Bruce Campbell

My Evening With Bruce Campbell

 160full My Evening With Bruce Campbell

I met Bruce Campbell last night and had a blast.  He was in town promoting his latest film called My Name is Bruce.  While the film was campy fun, it was Bruce himself that made for a totally memorable night.  It was a rainy and miserable night here in Philadelphia until the great Bruce Campbell showed up.  All 3 showings were pre-sold out and I was at the first one, the 7:45pm showing.  The movie theatre holds around 150 people and every seat was filled.

Bruce came down the aisle mic in hand and introduced the film.  After the film was …

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