One of the best genre mashups ever is Cosplay + Wrestling. It’s also quite a logical convergence considering society’s obsession with the superhuman and how wrestlers are pretty much live-action versions of comic book characters. Just recently, WWE star Alexa Bliss appeared wearing a Harley Quinn-inspired outfit at her Backlash performance, which was nice. But there are wrestlers out there who take very seriously their wrestling – and their cosplaying.
One such wrestler/cosplayer is Sera Cimmino, and we’ve been lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with her!
NS – Hi Sera, thanks so much for speaking with NerdSociety today. So …
NS – Kayla, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with NerdSociety! So let’s start at the beginning… What inspired you to first start cosplaying?
Kayla – It was mostly following a lot of amazing cosplayers on Instagram that inspired me to first start. So when I went to my first con, I thought “Yeah I definitely can’t go without some kind of cosplay.” I did a quick, cheap getup of Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead and felt so cool and confident with everyone wanting pictures and telling me how awesome I looked, ever since then I’ve been …
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Welcome readers! We at NERDSociety.com have a treat for you! We were able to interview an awesome Twitch streamer for your entertainment, so check it out; I think she will amaze you!
NERDSociety: Thanks for taking the time to interview with us at NERDSociety.com, would you share with us your name and where you are from?
Glitzy: Hello! My name is Glitzy and I am from Texas!
NS: When did you first pick up a video game controller—or—was it an arcade game? What game was …
For those not familiar with Steampunk, it is generally considered to be a sci-fi genre having its roots in the steam-powered technology of the late 19th century. The most easily identifiable features of Steampunk include brass, pully-type mechanisms, a lot of leather and goggles, and cannister type objects which might facilitate steam power. Calling Steampunk science fiction might seem to be a contradiction since sci-fi usually takes place in the future but the genre actually has more of a fantasy angle as it can really take place in any era. While it is steadily gaining popularity, Steampunk is still a sub-culture …
NS – Hey Rob, thanks for talking to us today…. When did you first get into Cosplaying?
ROB – The first time I cosplayed was at New York Comic Con 2013 with my best friend: I was Jules Winfield and he was Vinny Vegas. My girlfriend was supergirl. I officially started cosplaying when I moved to Chicago from NYC on Novemeber 1st at a Halloween party at Green Lantern a cosplay I still do and have upgrades to as well. The first built cosplay is my famous Red Hood which I made all myself except for the helmet.
NS – What …
WARNING: This article is rife with spolers so if you haven’t watched the finale yet, you might want to come back later…. Despite media disinformation warning fans of the contrary, no one needs to riot because Daryl was not killed off of The Walking Dead last night. There was some speculation that because he put his Atlanta house up for sale and was scheduled to appear on the Talking Dead after the finale that he might be the next to go but refreshingly, no major characters saw their end. In fact, it was quite an uplifting episode, by Walking Dead standards…. …
My final Cosplay interview for 2014, the one person who started it all for us at the beginning of the year—we at NERDSociety.com ask you to please enjoy!
NERDSOCIETY: Thanks for taking the time to interview with us at NERDSociety.com, would you be so kind as to state your name? Stage name? Where are you from?
BYRON: You’re welcome and thanks for the opportunity! My name is Byron Huguley, but I go by B.T. I’m originally from Canton, Ohio; currently residing in Columbus, Ohio.
NS: What was it that got you into cosplaying? How did the “light bulb” go off telling …
Hello guys and dolls. It’s been awhile since NERDSociety has sat down to catch up with the truly outrageous fans of the Jem and the Holograms community. Part 1 was a look at the fantastic Milky Mixer, which can be read here. The interviews continue though and I hope to get more of these posted in the coming months. My goal for this series of interviews was always to showcase the awesome nature of Jem fans. Now dust off those earrings and shine with some glitter ‘n gold, because Part 2 in this exclusive series of interviews starts now!