Manga Review: “What A Wonderful World!”

Manga Review: “What A Wonderful World!”

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And I think to myself, what a wonderful world… From VIZ Media we have volume 1 and 2 of the Manga series “What a Wonderful World!” Written and drawn by Inio Asano.
The books feature multiple short stories about the lives of people who are what many would consider failures. They are either unable to get a job or make it through Cram School to get into College. There are some stories about friendship and some about family.
Each story progresses as depressing and then ends on a good note–sometimes not. More often than not, many …

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Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

Oishinbo 808x1024 Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

In 1983, writer Tetsu Kariya and artist Akira Hanasaki began a series of manga chapters that spanned over one hundred volumes, called Oishinbo.

Oishinbo: A La Carte is a manga-sized print telling the best of the stories. These stories are informative and funny–based around a newspapers cultural staff, the main character Yamaoka is constantly put to the test to prove his mettle with food. Most chapters consist of Yamaoka proving that he knows how to make the best tasting foods and which are the best.

The book itself has a recipe in the beginning–this one is how to make rice and …

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Manga Review: Black Lagoon-008

Manga Review: Black Lagoon-008

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From VIZ media comes the adult aimed “Black Lagoon.”

Both the story and art are done by Rei Hiroe.   As with a lot of manga the creator or artist will write and draw the book themselves.

The art itself is simply, classic manga gray-scale with an anime tone to it, (meaning it’s more cartoony than “life-like.”)

The story itself is a mish-mash of different military groups and mercs in a race to catch a trained killer who is also a maid (also classic to the Japanese fantasy culture.)

This book warns of explicit content so the kiddies don’t read …

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Nerd Rock Interview with The Motion Sick: Behind the Konami Code and Aquaman’s Lament

Nerd Rock Interview with The Motion Sick: Behind the Konami Code and Aquaman’s Lament

TheMotionSick Water 1024x680 Nerd Rock Interview with The Motion Sick: Behind the Konami Code and Aquaman’s Lament
The Motion Sick: Photo by Tanit Sakakini

Meet The Motion Sick, a band that’s close to my nerdy heart. They’ve been dubbed, “Band of the Month” on Spin magazine, had their song featured in Dance Dance Revolution, and is now working on having their music being in Rock Band. How awesome is that? So sit back, relax and enjoy our in depth chat with frontman Mike Epstein.

NERDSociety (NS): Give us a little rundown about your band, The Motion Sick, and how you guys got started.

The Motion Sick (TMS): We’re an indie rock band from Boston.  We kind of …

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Megan Fox Makes Nice at Spike’s Scream Awards

Megan Fox Makes Nice at Spike’s Scream Awards

2 Megan Fox Makes Nice at Spikes Scream Awards

In a recent interview with Alice Magazine, Transformers babe, Megan Fox, described her work experience with director Michael Bay:

“He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he’s a nightmare to work for.”

Then several Transformers crew member backed Michael Bay up saying Fox was a diva and she was a pain in the ass to work with.

Bickering between the two sides was going back and forth with wild rumors speculating that Bay wants her character killed off in the third Transformers.

Well, at last night’s Spike Scream Awards, Megan Fox changed her tone.  After …

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Long Beach Comic Con 2009 Video!

Long Beach Comic Con 2009 Video!

Our video from Long Beach Comic Con.

Footage includes the kickass Thomas Jane, babes, shopping and a crazy auction……

Geeks and Babes: LB Comic Con Recap

Geeks and Babes: LB Comic Con Recap

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Whether it’s for 1/6th action figures or Disney, I love conventions!  This weekend, it was for COMICS!  The first ever Long Beach Comic Convention was held at the Long Beach Convention Center and plenty of stars showed up.  The convention focused more towards comics than pop culture.  Comic greats,  Stan Lee (Spider Man, Hulk), Jim Lee (X Men, All Star Batman & Robin) , Jeph Loeb (Batman: Hush, Red Hulk) and J. Scott Campbell (Danger Girl, Gen 13) showed up and lended their support.  Jeph Loeb was a very busy man, signing as much as possible.  He said he hates it …

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DVD Review: Superman Batman: Public Enemies

DVD Review: Superman Batman: Public Enemies

supbat DVD Review: Superman Batman: Public Enemies

Wow, this movie sucked.  The story starts with the economy in crisis and Lex Luthor elected for the third time as the U.S. President.  Then for unknown reason, he blames super heroes for the current economy problem and recruits “C” list heroes to fight for his cause.  Of course Superman and Batman are against this so they team up to uncover Luthor’s evil scheme.  The movie didn’t establish how Superman and Batman became partners. Supes just shows up at the Batcave like it’s his second home.  There are a lot of uninentional “Brokeback” moments between the characters, especially the sewer scene.  …

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Marvel and Disney Fusion Pics

Marvel and Disney Fusion Pics

Unreality has come up with some some cool and funny pictures of Disney and Marvel characters fused together.  Below are some of my favorites, check out Unreality’s full article with more awesome pictures here.

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Oct. 2-4: Long Beach Comic Con

Oct. 2-4: Long Beach Comic Con

comiccon Oct. 2 4: Long Beach Comic Con

It seems like there’s a nerd convention every month but Long Beach (LB) Comic Con is looking to stand out from other events.  LB Comic Con will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center this weekend, Oct 2-4.  They’re bringing the top names in comics as Stan Lee, Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb will make appearances.  This event is focused more towards hardcore comic fans compared to San Diego Comic Con, where it’s more about pop culture.  But that doesn’t celebs won’t be at the event, Thomas Jane (Punisher, The Mist) will present several of his movie projects.  Trick ‘R’ …

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