Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #2

Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #2

HEADER Gink Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #2I was thinking of waiting a week or so before I posted another Geek Ink article,  but they’re just way too much fun.  Plus they are so much more enjoyable than the mundane of writing movie and game review, and its nice to hear from our readers.  I love reading your guys emails and being able to converse with the peoples, so keep sending them it!

Also big thanks goes out to Geekyink & GamingTattoos, for all your help and support.

Dewi 1 Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #2Name/Alias: Dewi Neijs
City, State: Düsseldorf, Germany
Tattoo Artist: Scott Ellis
Tattoo Shop: Triple Crown Tattoo, Tx
Favorite Movie: …

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Geek Ink: Steve Peterson

Geek Ink: Steve Peterson

When I asked people to submit their tattoos for my article, I underestimated the response I would receive.  I now have a full inbox waiting to be posted up for the next 3 or 4 segments.  One submission that stood out above the rest was Steve Peterson’s.

I intentionally sought Steve out, after scouring the internet for Geek Tattoos, I came upon his Zelda Windwaker back piece.  A few emails here and there, I finally got in contact with with Steve.  What he sent in was more than I could ask for .  It was like finding the Holy Grail of …

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Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #1

Geek Ink: Tattoos for the Nerdy and Geeky #1

There is nothing more permanent or public like a Tattoo.  In the movie Eastern Promises with Viggo Mortensen, one character explains that “Tattoos tell the story of your life.”  People you’ve lost,  places you’ve lived, things you’ve loved, obstacles you’ve over come.  They are living, breathing art.

To the Japanese, tattooing represents the very highest level of artistic expression.  There is a museum in Japan where there are galleries of human skin on display, it’s that serious.

Every year when I go to conventions I notice more and more ink, and whats awesome about Geek Tattoos are that they’re such a …

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$1 Million Dollars – Comic Book That Is

$1 Million Dollars – Comic Book That Is

action500 $1 Million Dollars   Comic Book That Is

In this bad economy, nerds still have disposable income.

Action Comics #1, graded 8.0,  became the most expensive comic book ever, selling for $1 million dollars.  The price was high for this bad boy because it was issued in 1938 and the grade was pretty high.

I love my comics but I don’t care whether the issue is a first print, mint condition or in a trade paperback.  As long as I can see the artwork and can read the story, I’m content.  Plus these “graded” comics are rated by humans.  So if the grader is having a bad day, he’ll …

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Video Review: Hot Toys Matrix Nebuchadnezzar

Video Review: Hot Toys Matrix Nebuchadnezzar

So last time, our good friend Disc Junkie showed us the Matrix attache case. 

Today, he’s back with more Matrix goodies.  We’re in for a treat today!  He’s reviewing the Blu Ray Matrix giftset from Japan.  The giftset includes the trilogy, Animatrix and the Nebuchadnezzar made by Hot Toys.  Let’s see if the Nebuchadnezzar is worth the money.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Below are some pics from the box set

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image.php?img=312 matrixshipg Video Review: Hot Toys Matrix Nebuchadnezzar

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image.php?img=312 matrixshipp Video Review: Hot Toys Matrix Nebuchadnezzar

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Spider-Man Reboot: The Whole Story

Spider-Man Reboot: The Whole Story

In recent week news has surfaced that both Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire will not be involved with the new Spider-man movie.  Disagreements between Raimi and Sony Pictures in the early production resulted in Raimi withdrawing from the project and the studio deciding to move forward without him.  This is not the first time the two butted heads, in the production of the last film, there were similar disputes.  Sony pushed for the character Venom to be apart of the 3rd film, Raimi expressed no interest in the character but gave into the studios demands.  The result lead to a backlash …

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The Bat-Blog!

The Bat-Blog!

I’m a huge fan of Batman and I have to admit that some of the older stuff is better than a good amount of the newer stuff. Different writers and different artists do different things… Anyone a fan of Jim Lee? Hopefully if you’ve seen his artwork you are because it’s really beautiful–but that’s me saying it.

As for the older stuff here is an example: The Knightfall storyline from the early 1990’s is one of the best tales DC has ever come up with. For those who don’t know, a new villain was introduced whom everyone knows as Bane

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DVD Review: Planet HULK 2-Disc Special Edition

DVD Review: Planet HULK 2-Disc Special Edition

Planet HULK DVD Review: Planet HULK 2 Disc Special Edition

Planet HULK may be based on an acclaimed comic book run, but something was clearly lost in translation. Flatly animated, the storyline plays like a one-note Gladiator. HULK is a tough character to base an entire animated movie around unless the supporting characters are memorable and the storyline compelling and Planet HULK just doesn’t get the job done. It’s nowhere near as good as the Ultimate Avengers movies and closer to their boring animated Iron Man movie (which was a true disaster, complete with new-age mysticism hooey and a boring Tony Stark arc).

Planet HULK (what a goofy title) starts with …

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Top 5 Awesomely Fan-made Trailers

Top 5 Awesomely Fan-made Trailers

You take boredom, add fandom, mix it all with a little cinema magic and what do you get?  Some pretty F@#$n awesome fan-made trailers!

While some of them are just re-hashes of other movies masked by Adobe After Effects, there are also those that go the extra mile to see there favorite Super Heroes come to life.

Here are my top 5 fan-made trailers:

5.)  Thundercats

Thundercats is one of my all time favorite cartoon shows growing up.  I even had the sword, which my grandmother sadly gave away to Goodwill. Very well done After Effects, and what an awesome cast, …

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TV Review: Smallville: Absolute Justice + Midseason Review and Recap

TV Review: Smallville: Absolute Justice + Midseason Review and Recap

Smallville 1 TV Review: Smallville: Absolute Justice + Midseason Review and Recap

By jettisoning the tired Lana Lang melodrama, Smallville is quietly having its best season in at least 5 years. Clark is wearing a Matrix-esque Superman getup and is more mature and less broody, Lois is less sarcastic, and The Green Arrow (an excellent Justin Hartley) has become more and more interesting by the week. Chloe (Alison Mack) is a strong friend to Clark and a great leader for Watchtower, and its nice to see her with more backbone as right-wing Chloe. Chloe is often right about having to “clean up Clark’s messes” and I think Clark has taken her criticisms to …

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