Wizard World Philly: The Memories…

Wizard World Philly: The Memories…

Paladin here, CCFMDS and I went on a new journey by attending the Wizard World Comic convention in Philadelphia PA as Press.

Apparently we have both agreed that the press pass is a free ticket, not a key that gives all access. However, we did get to enjoy some good old fashioned “stepping in” to enjoy the panels of actors–no obnoxiously long lines for us!

Armed with the tools of the trade, including a small bag to hold my note pad, business cards, pens and 2 movies that I had the intent to get signed by a very special actor; I …

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Wizard World Convention Philadelphia, Saturday 6/12/2010: Timeline and Analysis

Wizard World Convention Philadelphia, Saturday 6/12/2010: Timeline and Analysis

Wizard World 2 Wizard World Convention Philadelphia, Saturday 6/12/2010: Timeline and Analysis

Wizard World Philadelphia is a massive comic convention with celebs (“celebs” and real ones mixed in) as diverse as Patrick Stewart and teabagger/right-winger Stephen Baldwin. The guest list also included Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead, Brisco County, Burn Notice), James Marsters (Buffy, Smallville, Torchwood), Linda Hamilton (Terminator), Ernie Hudson, and Adam West. Many more pseudo-celebs were also there and most seemed nice and energetic, with a few exceptions. Here’s a timeline of my day and first time going to a convention as “press” for our most excellent site, NERDociety.com:

8am: I get up, skip breakfast and hop on the El downtown with …

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Batman: Year One Becomes Animated

Batman: Year One Becomes Animated

batman yearone Batman: Year One Becomes Animated

My favorite Batman story of all time, Year One, will be coming soon to video as an animated movie.  Written by Frank Miller, the story shows the struggle of Bruce Wayne as he becomes Batman for the first time.  The story also has a subplot of Jim Gordon as he tries to fit in with the Gotham City Police department.  According to comics continuum, the movie will be directed by Sam Liu.  Liu directed animated straight to video flicks before including Justice League Crisis on Two Earths, Superman/Batman Public Enemies and Hulk Vs.

I’m excited …

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Different Spider-Man Realities Revealed for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Different Spider-Man Realities Revealed for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

spider man shattered dimensions cosmic spider man Different Spider Man Realities Revealed for Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions is the newest iteration of the Spider-man franchise to be released by Activision. The game blends multiple Spider-man universes for a hopefully unique and fun experience. According to Activision, there will be a total of 4 different universes, 3 of which have already been announced.  “Amazing”, “Noir” and Spider-man 2099 are confirmed with the final universe being rumored to have Spidey in his symbiote form. As for right now, we’ll just have to wait for Activision to unveil the final universe. The game itself is set for release in September.


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Check out the official site …

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Preview Of Wizard World Philly 2010!

Preview Of Wizard World Philly 2010!

wizardworld philly Preview Of Wizard World Philly 2010!

This weekend, NERDsociety.com will be attending the Wizard World: Philly, pop culture convention at the Philadelphia Convention center.

Some of the special guests are Patrick Stewart–no description needed. However, I will mention that between Star Trek, X-Men, the Anime Steamboy and countless performances on stage and screen, he is the highlight of this convention.

Also appearing is Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead fame, he has also been on many fantasy TV shows from the Hercules and Xena days where he played the character Autolycus. He also starred in Jack of All Trades and Brisco County Jr.

A comical actor whose voice …

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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Shining Darkness: Blackwings and Infenities

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Shining Darkness: Blackwings and Infenities

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With Nationals coming soon, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG players get their decks ready for one of the most challenging duels of their lives. NERDsociety’s two duelists will participate and talk about the 2 decks they will be taking into action, with the addition of The Shining Darkness cards that were just recently released.

Infernity ArchetypeInfernity 300x176 Yu Gi Oh! The Shining Darkness: Blackwings and Infenities

As the newest archetype on the rise, Infernity decks defy the normal playing style of Yu-Gi-Oh.

So far, having more cards in hand then the opponent means more options and more combos are available, which increases the chance of winning. However, the new Infernity cards completely contradict that …

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Robert Downey Shops At Meltdown Comics

Robert Downey Shops At Meltdown Comics

What’s going on here? Is he really buying Comics or is this a publicity stunt. I mean doesn’t Marvel send him all the research material he needs? Still cool how he takes his time and mingle with the fans.…

TV: Walking Dead Comics Adopted For TV

TV: Walking Dead Comics Adopted For TV

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The Walking Dead originally started as a comic book, and has now been adopted for TV. AMC will air the first episode around October of this year. Walking Dead is your typical zombie story, where a few survivors are trying their best to stay alive. I am currently reading the comics, and so far, it’s entertaining. I will review the book once I finish. Based on the characters from the TV show, it seems like they are tightly sticking to the original story.

walkingdead1 TV: Walking Dead Comics Adopted For TV

A promising sign for this series is that Frank Darabont is the writer, producer, and director of the …

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Comics: Mark Millar’s “Superior”

Comics: Mark Millar’s “Superior”

Mark Millar and Leinil Francis Yu are collaborating on a new project called “Superior.” Nothing much has been revealed about the plot or the storyline of the new book. Millar is known for his more realistic approach to superheroes and villains. Two of his writings were adopted for the big screen, Wanted and Kick-Ass. Wanted was a loose adaptation, as the comic book version was much more darker and depressing. Although, they changed some small but integral parts of the story, Kick-Ass pretty much stayed true to the comics.

“Superior” is a mystery for now, but these teaser posters might …

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New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Live Action In The Works

New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Live Action In The Works

teenage mutant ninja turtles 25th anniversary collection 20090811044829682 640w New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Live Action In The Works

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!  The Ninja Turtles were huge when I was growing up, I distinctively  remember as a kid going to Toys R Us with my mom to pick up gift for my cousins birthday.  Unfortuneatly his birthday rolled around Christmas time and when we got to the aisle where the ninja turtles toys were suppose to be the shelves were bare and there was a large group of parents waited for the costumer service rep to bring a box out from the back room.  Until this day I have never seen such a …

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