Batman Spoof, Funny!

Batman Spoof, Funny!

Here’s a video of a Batman spoof on youtube. It’s funny and creepy at the same time, you be the judge. Enjoy!…

Cosplay In America At NYCC/Anime Fest

Cosplay In America At NYCC/Anime Fest

cosplayinamerica Cosplay In America At NYCC/Anime Fest

Photographer Ejen Chuang was back on the road again over the weekend for New York Comic Con/ Anime Fest.  The promoters for the events combined both for bigger turnout but based on the video below, the attendees weren’t too pleased with the integration.  The video also includes the great steam punk Iron Man:

Chuang is currently on tour, promoting his popular “Cosplay In America” book.  The book features 272 pages of cosplayers, so make sure to check it out!…

11 Sexy Nerd Halloween Costumes

11 Sexy Nerd Halloween Costumes

Halloween is 2 and a half weeks away and this year’s costumes are catered to the nerds!  Combined with classic princess and your favorite cartoon characters and you get the top 11 sexy nerd costumes of 2010!

11. Caribbean Captain – Forget Jack Sparrow, this captain is sure to get us plenty of booty.

sexy nerd costumes 5 1 11 Sexy Nerd Halloween Costumes

10. Neytiri – Who would’ve thunk a Navi could be so hot…I’m not going to lie, I did.

sexy nerd costumes 3 1 11 Sexy Nerd Halloween Costumes

9.  Snow White –  The seven dwarves wished she wore a skirt like this.

sexy nerd costumes 1 1 11 Sexy Nerd Halloween Costumes

8. Captain America – He’s making a big comeback in the form of a hot …

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Steampunk Iron-Man

Steampunk Iron-Man

steampunkironman Steampunk Iron Man

Not much info on this guy except that he’s the Marvel Costume Contest winner at the NY Comic-Con. Give it a couple of days, I’m sure that the interwebs will be littered with info about the artist behind this cool costume.


Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

normal green lantern Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

At the New York Comic-Con yesterday, DC writer Geoff Johns confirmed that the Green Lantern trailer will appear with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, which is set to open on November 19.  The recent announcement that this first installment of the final Harry Potter will not be shown in 3D probably sent some heads spinning over at Warner Brothers since Green Lantern is in 3D.  It looks like we will just have to suffer through a 2D version of the trailer unless  they also decide to show it along with their only 3D movie opening later this year …

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Killer Croc Might Be In Batman 3

Killer Croc Might Be In Batman 3 has reported that the third untitled Batman movie will begin shooting in New Orleans in April.  WB’s reason for the location shoot is the tax break they get  at the Big Easy.  The internet heard about the news and they’re speculating that the main reason is for Killer Croc.  In the comics, Killer Croc is a crocodile wrestler turned criminal.  Most readers know him as a character that really looks like a crocodile with dark green scaly skin and a tale.  But in the graphic novel, Joker, written by Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo, Croc is portrayed as a …

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No Justice League Movie

No Justice League Movie

justice league No Justice League Movie

From Comicbookmovie, Geoff Johns confirmed in a panel at the NY Comic-con that there will be no Justice League movie. Here’s what he had to say:

“I’m going to speak frankly: I think our characters are bigger than Marvel’s.” He said that he’d rather spend time building each character on his or her own rather than “smashing them together.”

This is good news for me, as I never thought that the Avengers movie will be any good. Iron-Man 2 was disappointing enough as is, and now they think they can throw in 100 characters together and actually come up …

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Comic-Con To Stay In San Diego Until 2015

Comic-Con To Stay In San Diego Until 2015

IMG 1045 Comic Con To Stay In San Diego Until 2015

Comic-Con Interntaional has confirmed they’ll be staying in San Diego until 2015.  The organization will have a press conference on Friday regarding the news.  Since 2007, Comic-Con has reached the maximum capacity of 125,000 attendees at the San Diego Convention Center.  This had attendees complaining that it was too crowded and they had to find a new venue.  Reuturs reported that Anaheim, Los Angeles and even Las Vegas were considered for the new location, which could hold larger capacity.  In the end, Comic-Con decided to stay where it all began, San Diego. Comic-Con’s Marketing and PR, David Glanzer, said ” (San …

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Comic Review: Ryder On The Storm #1

Comic Review: Ryder On The Storm #1

ryder Comic Review: Ryder On The Storm #1

Ryder on the Storm starts off with a suicide mystery, a mysterious but beautiful woman calls our hero, Ryder, to investigate. The woman’s boyfriend committed suicide by drilling holes into his head. You think that’s disgusting? This is just the beginning. As Ryder investigates, he finds out that things aren’t what it seems. The writer sets this up as a Noir-style detective mystery, but the story leads to something more. Let’s just say that the supernaturals are involved, and our hero is caught right in the middle of it.

The artwork is amazing, as it will take you into a Noir-influenced …

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Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

superman wallpaper Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

According to Deadline New York, Warner Bros has finally announced who has been chosen to direct the Superman reboot and it is none other than the guy who brought you 300, Watchmen and currently in post-production Sucker Punch.  This could be good.  300 was a decent movie.  Whatever it lacked had more to do with story than anything directorial, I thought.  And unlike some people I’ve spoken to, I had no problem with Watchmen and happen to enjoy the film a lot.  I do agree that some of the story details needed to be updated a bit, but again, …

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