Naughty Princesses Back For 2011

Naughty Princesses Back For 2011

J. Scott Campbell, the man who brought us Danger Girl, is back for the second round of sexy princesses for 2011.  The 2010 “Fairytale Fantasies” calendar was such a hit that Campbell decided to do one for next year.  Will this become a yearly calendar?  I hope so, but they might run out of fairytale princesses for the upcoming years. He’s already doing a second illustration of a character he did last year.

Last year’s calendar sold out, so make sure to get it before it’s gone.  You can purchase it at Amazon for $21.99.

Let’s take a look at some …

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Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist!

Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist!

punisher4 Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist!

We’re giving away a signed Punisher giclee poster signed by actor Thomas Jane (the only real Punisher in my book) and artist Tim Bradstreet (Punisher, Hellblazer)

punisher Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist!

Entering the contest is simple:

1) Subscribe to our newsletter below by filling out the form.

2) Let us know who’s your favorite Punisher character by answering the question below.  It can be any character from the Punisher comics.

3) The contestant with the best answer wins the signed poster. Be creative, use comic references, make youtube vids, etc.

4) Contest is for U.S. Residents only.  One entry per contest.  Contest ends at 11:59 PM …

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Superman: Earth One

Superman: Earth One

What if a very green Clark Kent lived in today’s world? Where would his journey take him, and what would eventually decide his fate to become Superman? This is the premise of J. Michael Straczynski’s Superman: Earth One.

From DC:

“This is a Superman for the 21st century. With SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE, Straczynski and Davis inject the folk tale and legend that is Superman’s origin with a modern, vital and forward-looking energy that makes for a refreshing, epic and challenging super-hero adventure. In SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE – the first original graphic novel retelling Superman’s origin — Clark Kent is …

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Batman Kubricks – Wonderful Toys!

Batman Kubricks – Wonderful Toys!

What’s a kubrick you ask?  They’re little figures that looks like Legos.  They’re really popular in Japan and they’re starting to pick up steam in the U.S.  The figures are usually licensed by major franchises, in this case, it’s Batman!  They usually range from $7-$11 per figure.  What I love about this set is the different versions of Batman.  There’s one from Dark Knight, the comics, the Tim Burton movie and animated series.  There’s other characters as well, such as Joker and Superman. 

kubrick Batman Kubricks – Wonderful Toys!

This boxed DC Comics 75th Anniversary Super Deluxe Kubricks Set of 10 mini figures includes (subject to change):…

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Death In Action Comics!

Death In Action Comics!

 actioncomics894 Death In Action Comics!

Death from Sandman will make an appearrance in Action Comics #894.  Lex Luthor will encounter Death and the readers will get to see the mind of Superman’s arch nemesis.  I always enjoy stories that focus on the villains, as you see them more than just haters. 

The Sandman universe was created by critically acclaimed, Neil Gaiman (Mirror Mask).

The issue will also have a side story of Jimmy Olsen entertaining a Princess Alien.

Action Comics #894 will be released this Wednesday, 10/27/2010 for $3.99.  Damn, what happened to the days when it was only $1.25??…

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Kobe Bryant – The Superhero

Kobe Bryant – The Superhero

In the latest issue of  ESPN’s magazine hitting news stands today, Kobe Bryant and the NBA’s biggest stars are portrayed as Marvel’s super heroes.  Just yesterday, we reported that Marvel was teaming up with Disney for Tron.  This time, it’s Marvel and ESPN.  Guess who owns both companies?  That’s right Disney.  It looks like Disney is really trying to market Marvel to everybody, including sports fans. 

kobe marvela Kobe Bryant   The Superhero

Here’s the cover by done by Joe Quesada.  Sure, it looks good for the most part but the players don’t really their super hero alter ego.  Kevin Durant should be Spider-Man instead of Thor because …

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Winner Of $100 Marvel Poster – Must See

Winner Of $100 Marvel Poster – Must See and our site would like to thank everybody for entering the contest.  There were a lot of creative answers and several people submitted movies.  It was a hard decision but in the end, Clayton gets the win for creativity.  He even included some of his figures, including a Marvel Legends Magneto and  a Hot Toys Iron Man.

I like the fact that he thought outside the box and played the part of Clark Kent.  Now that’s creativity.  He gets a 30′ x40′ Marvel poster of choice, a $100 value courtesy of  Congratulations Clayton!

Thanks again for all …

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Hawt Catwoman Statue + Great Deal = Must Have

Hawt Catwoman Statue + Great Deal = Must Have

Entertainment Earth is having a buy 1 get 1 half off statue deal so I checked out what goodies they had.  I found this Catwoman statue from the Japanese company, Kotobukiya.  Not only is it sexy, but checkout the base,  it’s Batman being stomped on. That’s pretty weird and cool at the same time.

catwoman Hawt Catwoman Statue + Great Deal = Must Have

The online store also has this Batgirl on sale, so you can get both for less than $100.  Totally good deal for 2 unique statues.  Make sure to get your order fast!  Some statues have already sold out.

catwoman2 Hawt Catwoman Statue + Great Deal = Must Have

If you don’t like one of them, you …

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Marvel Characters In Tron Universe

Marvel Characters In Tron Universe

Marvel has released several comic covers that depicts the superheroes in the Tron universe.  What does Marvel have to do with Tron, you ask?  Well, Disney owns Tron and the sequel is coming out on December 17, 2010.  Disney also owns Marvel so that’s why Tron is being cross promoted with the comics.  I’m sure this is only the first partnership between the two companies.

spider man Marvel Characters In Tron Universe
Here’s Spider-Man looking like the 2099 counterpart.

ironman Marvel Characters In Tron Universe
Iron Man looking more like War Machine.

ghostrider Marvel Characters In Tron Universe  
This one is my favorite because Ghost Rider has the Tron Cycle.  Well played!

captainamerica Marvel Characters In Tron Universe  
The colorful Captain America.

You can check out …

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Hulk TV Show on ABC?

Hulk TV Show on ABC?

This is a possiblity, however, the project is in the early stages at this point, and no details have been revealed. For now, we know one thing, Jeph Loeb will be involved in the project as he is part of the Marvel TV division.

hulk Hulk TV Show on ABC?

The Hulk sounds interesting, and could work out. But, I am more interested in The Punisher, it is also one of the titles being considered by ABC.

punisher Hulk TV Show on ABC?


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