Invincible Dies in Invincible #100

Invincible Dies in Invincible #100

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Yes, another landmark Image series (again by Robert Kirkman) is reaching the impressive 100th issue and it seems that the main character Invincible might bite the dust. Walking Dead #100 is one of the highest selling comics of all time and Kirkman is quickly making a name for himself as one of the best in the industry.

But this does lead to my fear of going the 90s route, while Walking Dead #100 did sell huge numbers, it was again due to having 13 variant covers.  This did lead to more sales, but it makes some readers like myself nervous.  The …

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Young Justice- Dangerous Secrets: DVD Review!

Young Justice- Dangerous Secrets: DVD Review!

YJ DS Cover Young Justice  Dangerous Secrets: DVD Review!

New on DVD from Warner Bros Entertainment is Young Justice- Dangerous Secrets. Featuring 14 of the best episodes the animated has to offer, YJ Dangerous Secrets offers fans beautiful artwork, great stories and a “super” music score.

YJ has a great selection of guest voices such as Brent Spiner as Joker, Alyssa Milano as Poison Ivy and Lacey Chabert as Zatana, and an awesome regular cast who bring the characters to life–this, paired with the storytelling, makes for a great adventure for people of all ages to enjoy.  When it comes down to comics, the characters are who and what …

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Superman, Superboy and Supergirl Crossover this Fall

Superman, Superboy and Supergirl Crossover this Fall

2523311 superman 14 Superman, Superboy and Supergirl Crossover this Fall

DC has been doing many small crossovers since the New 52 hit.  We had the Batman, I, Vampire and Justice League Dark crossover, the Teen Titans centric Culling and finally the Batman centric Night of the Owls. Now its time for Superman and his allies to join forces in the newest mini cross over “H’el on Earth.”

This storyline will begin in Superboy #14, where Kon-El will battle against the titular villain H’el.  It will then proceed with Supergirl #14 and finally Superman #14. Action Comics is obviously absent from this, but since Morrison has revealed that his run on AC …

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Famed Artist Rob Liefeld Upset Over Deadpool

Famed Artist Rob Liefeld Upset Over Deadpool

Cable Deadpool 25 Famed Artist Rob Liefeld Upset Over Deadpool
When it comes to art, Rob Liefeld is no Jim Lee or Greg Capullo.  The internet hates Liefeld for his unproportional figures and lazy drawings.  When I say lazy, I mean copying compositions from other artists and not giving credit or better yet, copying his own compositions from older work.  While the internet hates him, there’s no denying his art sells or else he wouldn’t be working with DC right now for Deathstroke.

Over the past several days, Liefeld posted on Twitter that he’s frustrated that Marvel has no love for his created, Deadpool.  He mentioned that only “D-list” creative team …

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Why Nightwing Should be the Next Batman Film

Why Nightwing Should be the Next Batman Film

Nightwing 1 Why Nightwing Should be the Next Batman Film

Warning:  spoilers ensue! If you haven’t seen Dark Knight Rises yet you might want to stop reading here… But for those of you who have seen the latest Batman movie, by all means, continue reading on…. Director Chris Nolan and actor Christian Bale have both said in several interviews going all the way back to last year that they will be making Batman films no more; Nolan even going as far as writing a farewell letter to the franchise. But it was made pretty clear by the end of the Dark Knight Rises (to the delight of many fans, I’m sure) …

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Marvel Scared of Dark Themes?

Marvel Scared of Dark Themes?

ant man movie logo 1024x690 Marvel Scared of Dark Themes?

With the recent news that Scott Lang would be the Ant-Man in the upcoming Edgar Wright film in 2014 and Hank Pym passing the mantle to Lang, I got to thinking is this just Marvels way of keeping the darker themes out of their movies?

The MCU is known to be accessible to everyone and this has given them hundreds of millions of dollars from their movies and toys based on the movies etc. But news of Hank Pym just being the guy passing down the mantle of Ant-Man to Scott Lang and just being a secondary character, along with Demon …

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7 Tips to Making a DC Cinematic Universe Work

7 Tips to Making a DC Cinematic Universe Work

full justice league 2011 7 Tips to Making a DC Cinematic Universe Work

Now I know that a lot of people are skeptical about the news of a DC Cinematic Universe, many say it can’t be done or it’ll just be a rip off of what Marvel’s doing. I can definitely see where these people are coming from and I can understand the skepticism.  But this got me thinking, how would a DC Cinematic Universe work? So I came up with some ideas and decided to share them with you guys.


Out of all of the Marvel heroes, the 4 heavy hitters that were ultimately picked …

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Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight Rises 1 Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is truly the movie event of the year for comic book fans. There’s a sense of dread and menace running throughout the entire movie that makes it work on a whole nother level that a film like The Avengers does not work on. The Avengers has a big alien menace that threatens to take over the world, but never once did the viewer worry that the heroes would not triumph. In THe Dark Knight Rises, the darkness is everywhere and threatens to destroy Gotham. The performances are excellent while the action scenes are exciting and once again, …

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Comic Review: Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead

Comic Review: Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead

Boba Fett Is Dead Blood Ties Star Wars Comic Review: Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead
*Minor Spoilers*

Well its been a while since I’ve done a comic book review, but now I’m back and I’m here to give you my thoughts on the second arc in the Star Wars Blood Ties series. Boba Fett is Dead is written by Tom Taylor, penciled Chris Scalf and published by Dark Horse Comics. I am a huge fan of this mini series, the writer has a set amount of issues to tell his story and what the creative team is able to do in just 4 issues is incredible. We have several stories going on at once and they …

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The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

TDK P3 1600 The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

I know I’m late, but the première was last night and I am ready to give you guys my thoughts on Nolan’s final Batman movie. The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after the last film, Gotham has destroyed organized crime through the Dent Act.  Harvey Dent is called a true hero while Batman is still the most wanted man in the city despite nearly a decade since his last appearance and Bruce Wayne has not left his manor since the Joker killings.

What immediately made this film work is that the choices and actions of all the characters from …

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