DC Artist Quits then Goes Postal on Twitter

DC Artist Quits then Goes Postal on Twitter

liefeld sdcc09 DC Artist Quits then Goes Postal on Twitter

In the past week, controversial artist/writer Rob Leifeld, who had been working on Deathstroke, Grifter and Savage Hawkman, officially quit DC citing creative issues he was having with his editors. He then openly criticized some major players at DC and Marvel including Batman writer Scott Snyder and the Senior VP of Publishing at Marvel Tom Brevoort; even going as far as calling associate editor Brian Smith a “little bitch” and a “big dick.” Leifeld has now been dubbed the “Charlie Sheen of comics” after he publicly asserted that Marvel VP Tom Brevoort is a “loser fat ass” on Twitter.…

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Bat Man of Shanghai

Bat Man of Shanghai

Here’s what it would look like if Batman, Catwoman, and Bane were kung-fu fighting. It’s just a little Short, but I do wish that Cartoon Network would make this into a full feature.


Dark Knight Returns Video Clip

Dark Knight Returns Video Clip

It looks disappointing. It feels nothing like Frank Miller’s work. Miller’s Batman has always been gritty, both the story and the artwork. Here, we get the opposite. The art looks dull, and the overall feel of the animation is the same as the rest.

The voice acting feels unmotivated, are they even trying? Year One was a disappointment, and this looks no better.…

Comic Review: TMNT Vol.1: Change is Constant

Comic Review: TMNT Vol.1: Change is Constant

TMNT 1 Oroboros CPS 006 009 Comic Review: TMNT Vol.1: Change is Constant








Yes! Im finally reviewing something that’s not Batman/DC related! BLASPHEMY I know but bare with me, today I bring you my review of the IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 1, this collects the first 4 issues of this ongoing series and this may be my favourite version of the turtles ever.

Now ive never been a big TMNT guy TBH, sure I really liked the early stuff of the 2003 animated series, but even that didn’t really get me into this universe, but now thanks to IDW and the creative team KevinEastman …

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Superman Dumps Lois For Wonder Woman

Superman Dumps Lois For Wonder Woman

fl justice league 510x784 Superman Dumps Lois For Wonder Woman

In another surprising news from DC, Superman will hook up with Wonder Woman.  This is bad news for Supes long time love, Lois Lane.  The big 3 of DC are Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.  When they’re together, there’s always sexual tension between Bats and the Amazonian, Diana.  Superman is always portrayed as naive and treats Wonder Woman as his equal.  I always thought Bat would hook up first with Wonder Woman.

Even though writer Geoff Johns is stating that it will go on for a while, The Superman/Wonder Woman fling won’t last for more than a year as Superman is …

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Comic Review: Aquaman Vol. 1 The Trench

Comic Review: Aquaman Vol. 1 The Trench

AQM Vol1 Comic Review: Aquaman Vol. 1 The Trench

This was not a book I was expecting to enjoy this much or even read when the New 52 launched.  But I must thank Geoff Johns for delivering another great comic book and making me a fan of the industries most underrated Super Hero.

This story manages to do that no other has ever done, is make me relate to a Super Hero.  Sure you have characters like Batman, but those are more of those badass’ that you want to be but never will be.  Aquaman is constantly made fun of int his story, which was funny at first but when …

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The Lack Of Good Magic Based CBMs

The Lack Of Good Magic Based CBMs

drstrangeheader1 The Lack Of Good Magic Based CBMs

Superhero movies are more popular than ever before, between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Nolan’sBatman trilogy.  What more could we possibly ask for? Well how about finally making a good CBM based around a magical character.

Before going any further, I’d like to address the people who are going to scream THOR USES MAGIC! Yes he is, but not so much in the movies. In the movies technology and magic are the same. Where in the comics everything is obviously magic.

The Asgardian architecture and their outfits are all tech based.  While weapons like Mjölnir are a combination of the two. …

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Batman: Court/City of Owls Review (Spoilers!!!)

Batman: Court/City of Owls Review (Spoilers!!!)

batman court of owls Batman: Court/City of Owls Review (Spoilers!!!)

Yes guys, another comic book review from me to you! And this time its the first twelve issues of ScottSnyder’s run on Batman, the two story arcs reviewed here are called The Court of Owls (1-7#) and The City of Owls (8-12#), I hope you enjoy it!

Many of you have been hearing about Scott Snyder, the new guy on the block who made himself known for his fantastic stories on Detective Comics, then during the New 52 on Batman and Swamp Thing. Like his Gates of Gotham mini series, this story line details the past of Gotham city and …

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Trailer: Grittier Daredevil

Trailer: Grittier Daredevil

Director Joe Carnahan (The Grey), has been pushing for a Daredevil project based on Frank Miller’s vision of the story. It was to be a raw and dirtier look at Hell’s Kitchen in the 70s. But, Fox does not want the rights to Daredevil anymore and gave it back to Marvel. Marvel is less likely to produce a grittier version of anything because the campy Avengers made waves at the Box Office. Too bad.

So, we are left with the Carnahan inspired fan-made trailer below.…

Kick Ass 2 Release Date Revealed

Kick Ass 2 Release Date Revealed


article post width kick ass 2 banner Kick Ass 2 Release Date Revealed
Yes, friends rejoice! Kick Ass 2 finally has a release date and it is June 28th, 2013. This made my day as I consider Kick Ass 1 as one of the greatest comic books of all time and it has a 8 year old girl who kills people with swords, knives and guns. How is that not awesome?!

Most of the original cast returns however Deadline reported that Omari Hardwick, the actor who played the best friend of Big Daddy in the original has been replaced by Morris Chestnut. A new addition to the crew is Robbert Emms will play …

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