Let me preface this by saying I was one of those who were extremely disappointed that they did not cast any Asians as main characters. So going in, I was skeptical to say the least. I understand that American reboots of Asian films are not obligated to cast Asians. But it would’ve been nice if at least one of the main characters were. Of course that didn’t happen, so that’s all I’m going to say about that… for now…
Nat Wolff’s Light
The story picks up quickly just like the original does with the main character being given the Death Note …
One of the best genre mashups ever is Cosplay + Wrestling. It’s also quite a logical convergence considering society’s obsession with the superhuman and how wrestlers are pretty much live-action versions of comic book characters. Just recently, WWE star Alexa Bliss appeared wearing a Harley Quinn-inspired outfit at her Backlash performance, which was nice. But there are wrestlers out there who take very seriously their wrestling – and their cosplaying.
One such wrestler/cosplayer is Sera Cimmino, and we’ve been lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with her!
NS – Hi Sera, thanks so much for speaking with NerdSociety today. So …
NS – Kayla, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with NerdSociety! So let’s start at the beginning… What inspired you to first start cosplaying?
Kayla – It was mostly following a lot of amazing cosplayers on Instagram that inspired me to first start. So when I went to my first con, I thought “Yeah I definitely can’t go without some kind of cosplay.” I did a quick, cheap getup of Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead and felt so cool and confident with everyone wanting pictures and telling me how awesome I looked, ever since then I’ve been …
It’s books like this one that make me wish I could read Japanese fluently. But the English translation of Yakuza Moon does a great job of conveying that same spirituality and connection to nature that the Japanese language does so well, making it a pleasurable read regardless.
Yakuza Moon is the true story of Shoko Tendo, the daughter of a Yakuza gangster. The aspect of her story, that she is abused, is crucial to the path that she takes in this book. And what a path it is. Not only does she endure abuse from her father but from bullies at …
Have you noticed how many comic reboots there are these days? It makes sense from a financial standpoint, considering the current state of the economy. Much to the frustration of viewers hungry for something original – the film industry, and now even television – are putting their money behind sure things these days, and we can’t totally blame them.
We are now experiencing a fourth incarnation of Spiderman? But if you think about it, the character is aimed at a particular audience who, for many of them after a certain period of time, will grow up and move on to other …
Humor comes in many forms and today, with the advent of the internet, the expression of humor has been transformed into snappy one-liners on Twitter and memes. Back in the day, the Far Side by Gary Larson was a groundbreaking single-panel cartoon that expressed a similar type of cynicism and tongue-in-cheek view of society, the animal kingdom and the world at large. I met an artist at a con once whose humor harkens back to the work of Gary Larsen but goes even farther pushing the envelope of the bizarre.
If you’re a frequenter of cons, you might have come …
For those not familiar with Steampunk, it is generally considered to be a sci-fi genre having its roots in the steam-powered technology of the late 19th century. The most easily identifiable features of Steampunk include brass, pully-type mechanisms, a lot of leather and goggles, and cannister type objects which might facilitate steam power. Calling Steampunk science fiction might seem to be a contradiction since sci-fi usually takes place in the future but the genre actually has more of a fantasy angle as it can really take place in any era. While it is steadily gaining popularity, Steampunk is still a sub-culture …
NS – Hey Rob, thanks for talking to us today…. When did you first get into Cosplaying?
ROB – The first time I cosplayed was at New York Comic Con 2013 with my best friend: I was Jules Winfield and he was Vinny Vegas. My girlfriend was supergirl. I officially started cosplaying when I moved to Chicago from NYC on Novemeber 1st at a Halloween party at Green Lantern a cosplay I still do and have upgrades to as well. The first built cosplay is my famous Red Hood which I made all myself except for the helmet.
NS – What …
In recent months, fans have seen a lot more of their favorite super heroines. The new Avengers movie features both Black Widow and long time favorite the Scarlet Witch. WB Games has announced that the character of Batgirl will be playable in a “story expansion” within downloadable content for the game Batman: Arkham Knight. And this fall will see the debut of DC Super Hero Girls, focusing on super women ( including Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Katana) in their teen years.
With all of this girl power excitement going on, one can`t help but ask: where is the Wonder Woman movie? …