Casting News: Captain America 2 Female Lead

Marvel Studios is currently casting for the sequel Captain America 2: Winter Soldier, which is set for an April 2014 release. Five actresses are in the running for this major role as most likely the key love interest in the film:

Emelia Clarke (Game of Thrones)

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Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey)

Jessica Brown Findlay 2 Casting News: Captain America 2 Female Lead


Imogen Poots (28 Weeks Later)

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Theresa Palmer (I Am Number Four)

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Allison Brie (Mad Men)

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Looks like some pretty stiff competition. It’ll be interesting to see which lucky lady gets to play opposite Chris Evans in the film.  While the role hasn’t been officially announced yet, sources seem pretty convinced that it’s for a character named Sharon Carter.

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Here is her character description:

Inspired by stories about her Aunt Peggy’s adventures in the French Resistance alongside Captain America, Sharon Carter joined the newly-formed espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. During an early mission against Hydra, Sharon was attacked by the mercenary Batroc and aided by Captain America. Initially knowing her only as Agent 13, Cap worked alongside Carter on several subsequent missions against A.I.M., the Nazi Red Skull, and others; the two soon became lovers, and Cap was also reunited with Peggy Carter, helping her recover from mental despair. Eventually, Sharon was assigned as liaison to the NYC police while investigating the terrorist organization called the National Force. Supposedly affected by mind-influencing gas, Sharon infiltrated the National Force, and when confronted by the National Guard, was apparently incinerated by the self-destruct device in her uniform, leaving Cap to grieve for her death.

However, Sharon’s death was a ruse by S.H.I.E.L.D., which sent her on a top-secret mission; at its end, S.H.I.E.L.D. and its director, Nick Fury, erroneously believed her dead. Abandoned in enemy territory, Sharon spent months imprisoned in the dictatorship of Tap-Kwai. Finally escaping, she spent the next few years as a mercenary, often forced into violent or degrading activity; Sharon’s experiences cost her much of her idealism, making her hard and bitter.”

So there you have it. Black Widow is also confirmed by several sources to be making an appearance in the film. Could we possibly see a love triangle perhaps?

[Sources: Deadline, Marvel]


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