Canceled, But Not Forgotten: The Best Short-Lived Television Shows

Reaper Canceled, But Not Forgotten: The Best Short Lived Television Shows

Television is a big part of all our lives, whether we want to admit so or not. There’s nothing worse than when a show we love is yanked off the air just as we become attached to it. I’ve decided to list (in no particular order) my favorite shows that were canceled much too early.

The Tick- Silly and hilarious live-action version of the popular comic book series and animated show that was canceled by FOX. Only 9 episodes were filmed and FOX didn’t even air them all, I had to buy the DVD set to watch the rest of the episodes. Patrick Warburton is perfect as The Tick and the supporting cast was also great. Special props go out to Nestor Carbonell’s hilarious, woman-crazed Batmanuel.

Wonderfalls- Another terrific series canceled by FOX and available on DVD. FOX predictably canceled the lovely, and original series after just 4 episodes! All 13 episodes are collected on the DVD set and is certainly worth purchasing.

Reaper- One of my all time favorite shows. Reaper is about a slacker whose parents sell his soul to the Devil. He has to become the devil’s bounty hunter. The series lasted 2 seasons and both seasons are on DVD. The show was cut short in its prime by The CW and Ray Wise was Emmy-worthy, hilarious one minute, and creepy the next as the suave Devil. Reaper was a cult show for the ages.

Freaks And Geeks- Long before producer Judd Apatow was making overrated slob comedies that grossed a fortune at the box office he had this special loook at the Hell that is life in high school. Freaks and Geeks was touching, funny, and painful, just like real life. 18 episodes was too short for this excellent show. James Franco fans rejoice! He’s actually good in this.

My So-Called Life- Another pitch-perfect look at high school life with a perfectly cast Claire Danes as the voice of reason navigating the madness of life. Jared Leto became a heartthrob on this series. The brooding, mumbling Joradan. 19 episodes later, the show is a classic and gone way too soon. Thanks to syndication and DVD it will life on forever though.

Roar- Long before Heath Ledger was the definitive Joker in The Dark Knight, he was on this short-lived FOX adventure series as the leader of a band of Celtic warriors battling an evil Roman empire, including a villain who killed Jesus on the cross. Action-packed, filled with terrific scenery and battles, Roar was canceled by FOX but lives on thanks to DVD. FOX only aired 8 episodes, but all 13 filmed are collected on DVD.

Profit- Adrian Pasdar played an amoral corporate yuppie without a soul who slept naked in a cardboard box at night. Profit was a perfectly dark look at greed and capitalism run amok and Pasdar was perfectly cast as the handsome sociopath. FOX canned this classic quickly, but its available on DVD. It’s like a better version of Wall Street.

Whats your favorite short-lived television series of all time ? Comment below and let me know.

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