This contest is being sponsored by Gamestop and it runs from July 1 to November 19, 2013. Three (3) winners will receive round trip air fare plus hotel for 2 to Los Angeles, California for a tour of the Infinity Ward studios plus a $1,200. pre-paid Visa card. The drawing will happen on December 2, 2013 and the trip is scheduled for sometime around January 2014.
The contest is open to legal residents of the US, Puerto Rico and Guam. Purchase is not necessary to win, they say, but there are two ways to enter.
Gamestop powerup rewards members will receive an entry when they pre-order the game and pick it up in the same store. They must use their rewards card to be eligible as well.
The second way is to enter by mail. There is no purchase necessary to enter this way. Just print your full name, phone number, email address and mailing address on a 3”x5” card, insert card in envelope, affix proper postage and mail to: The Marketing Arm Inc., Attention: “Call of Duty: Ghosts Infinity Ward VIP Sweepstakes”, 1921 Gateway Drive, Irving, TX 75038.
Winners will be notified by phone and must make a decision in 3 days. For more information, go to the Gamestop website.