Unknown is a story of a man, who gets into a car accident, wakes up from a coma only to discover that he may not be the person that he thought he was. Nobody knows who he is, including his wife of 5 years. The adventure begins.
The Movie Itself
Unknown is a good thriller, set in winterly Germany. The story is immersive that kept me wanting to know more. The acting is good, it’s almost like Liam Neeson just plays himself and everything still turns out great. Although, there are scenes that will make you chuckle or shake your head. But overall, this is a very engaging film, due to the film’s cinematography, it’s almost like a tourist ad for Germany at times, which I enjoyed very much.
The Movie itself: B
The video quality for this film is wonderful. I watched it in my brother’s 55″ LED, and everything held up fine. The colors didn’t bleed and the details are remarkable. One of the best Blu-ray transfers I’ve seen. The blacks are very solid, the color palettes consists of winter Germany, which is mostly gloomy with a lot of snow, and it looked beautiful actually. Every imagery and details look very clean and crisp without the use of edge enhancements. I hate edge enhancements as it ruins the feel of the movies. This is a very impressive transfer by WB.
Video: A
The audio is good, it’s mostly very crisp and clear. But, at times, the dialogue gets muted by the surrounding noise, which could be how the film was edited. So, it’s probably not due to lack of competence by the transfer department. The car crashes, along with everything else around sounds very impressive. Except for a few hiccups, the overall sound for the blu-ray is quite good.
Audio: B
This is where the film falls short, it comes with two featurettes:
– Liam Neeson: Known Action Hero
– Unkown: What is Known?
Both are heavy promotional contents that will disappoint most fans. It’s your basic “say all the good things you can say about the film so people will watch it” stuff. Nothing informative.
Extras: D
The lackluster in the Extras department was disappointing, but it doesn’t take away from the experience I had with the movie itself. As stated above, the transfers for both video and sound are fantastic. It’s something I would show-off to friends. WB did a great job with the release, and am hoping that they will continue to release more great quality Blu-rays.
Overall: B
Release Date: June 21, 2011