Blu-Ray Review: The Immortals 3D

immortals 3d bluray cover Blu Ray Review: The Immortals 3D

The Immortals is a hot mess but damn is it fun!

The movie looked like a cheap version of 300 (same producer) because of the misleading ads: Too much CG and crappy action scenes.

I gave the movie a chance because it’s from Tarsem, the director of The Cell.  I loved that movie for its production design and camera work and I’m glad to say his productive and amazing antics can still be seen in Immortals.

The story doesn’t really make sense but here it is anyways.  Theseus (Henry Cavill, the future Superman) is a lowly peasant that becomes a reluctant hero against Hyperion (Mickey Rourke).  There’s hints that his dad is the mighty god, Zeus.  Hyperion is angry at the world and wants everyone destroyed.  So he seeks for a Godly bow that can release the Titans.  Then Hyperion will see the world end as the Titans will cause mayhem and bloodshed.  Then the Gods (makes the elves from LOTR look manly) are somehow involved because of the Titans.

Yes, there are a lot of loopholes.  The more I thought about the movie, the more it didn’t make sense.  So don’t even try to make sense of the movie.

The amazing art design and production is what this movie is all about.  Hyperion’s costumes and masks is rich with history.  There’s pain and anguish behind it.  While the Gods look like famous paintings from Michelangelo (the artist, not the turtle).  The action scenes are great and while it’s not original, it’s bad ass.

So don’t expect this movie to be epic like Braveheart.  Expect it to be visually artistic with cool action and you’ll be very happy.

Director of 300, Zack Snyder, is promoted as a “visionary.”  If that’s the case, Tarsem is the damn oracle…and no I’m not talking about Freida Pinto that’s in the Immortals.

Grade: A

This is a great 3D transfer.  Since Tarsem has a stage theatrical style, the costumes and sets really popped.  It added layers to scenes that I appreciated.  The color palette is dark but it still captures the colors well.  Some people complained the movie was too dark but on my set, it was fine.  The battle at the end is the highlight for the video presentation.  Blood, limbs, swords and dead bodies fly towards the screen.
Grade: A

I love bass but I thought the Immortals was a bit thud heavy.  My windows were shaking with a particular wave scene and when Hyperion used the arrow to break the defense.  I had to turn down the subwoofer by 3 decibels to make level the other channels.  Besides that issue, the audio is fantastic.  Surrounds are used all the time whether it’s for ambient sounds or for a big action scene.  If you love bass, this movie really delivers.
Grade: B+

The major extra here is the 20 minute behind the scenes look at the movie.  There’s also 2 alternate endings that doesn’t really change the theatrical cut’s outcome.  There’s also an alternate opening.  8 deleted scenes are included and a comic book of the Greek myths.  Overall, it’s enough to keep a fan of Immortals Happy.  There was no commentary and it would’ve been good to hear Tarsem’s take in certain scenes.
Grade: B

Immortals is a fun movie because of the visuals and action scenes.  Although the story doesn’t make sense, there’s enough character development to care what will happen next.  This movie is better than the marketing portrayed it to be.  The presentation is above average and highly recommended.

Grade: A (not an average)

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