Batman: Under the Red Hood is a brutal, thrilling new animated tale from the Batman universe. The animated movie is based on a graphic novel by Judd Winick (who also wrote the screenplay for the animated movie). The movie runs a swift 75 minutes without one minute wasted. The movie takes the controversial death of Jason Todd story to a new dimension. Todd was beaten to death by the deranged Joker after comic book readers voted to have him killed off. The blu-ray disc is a 2 disc set crammed with excellent extras that really enhance the movie.
Batman: Under the Red Hood starts off with the brutal death of Jason Todd at the hands of The Joker and then we see Batman tangling with a deadly new vigilante named The Red Hood. The Hood is killing thugs and lacks Batman’s moral code. The right-wing Red Hood became something of a popular character with comic book fans (which Judd Winick admits, wasn’t his intent) because he was considered “cool” by fans. Nightwing (a smarmy and funny voice performance by Neil Patrick Harris) and The Joker also fit into the story and the ending is terrific. The final confrontation is surprisingly and will deepen fans knowledge of The Batman character and why he refuses to kill (sorry, Tim Burton). The extras include a terrific Jonah Hex animated short with Hex voiced by Tom Jane (The Punisher). The blu ray also includes featurettes, a few episodes of Batman: The Animated Series, and a first look at Superman/Batman Apocalypse.
Batman: Under The Red Hood is violent and riveting. A look inside the psyche of Batman and his deadly new nemesis The Red Hood. Animation is top-notch and the extras are worthwhile and enhance the already terrific animated feature. Batman: Under The Red Hood is a must-see. The blu-ray has a terrific transfer and the quality is amazing.
Grade: A-
Aug 18, 2010 -
I take it this Red Hood is different than who the Joker was before he took a chemical bath? OR, is it the Joker under that mask???
I’ll need to see it sometime.