Who the hell is Carlos Slim Helu? He is this year’s Forbes “Richest Man,” following in second place is Microsoft juggernaut Bill Gates who held the title for the last 15 years. Carlos Slim is the owner of telecommunications companies Telmex, Telcel, and América Móvil. Generating him the net worth of $53.5 billion dollars, barely beating out Bill Gates’s $53 billion.
In 1902 Carlos’s father Julian fled to Mexico from Lebanon to escape the Ottoman Empire. Only 14 years-old and no understanding of Spanish, Julian would eventually open his own grocery store. He would marry and they would have 6 children, Carlos being the youngest.
Carlos would go on to study engineering at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. By the time he was 26, his net worth was $40 million. He would buy out Mexico’s state-run phone monopoly, starting his multi-billion dollar telecommunication empire. His Telefonos de Mexico controls 90% of the landlines in Mexico, and his Telmex Internacional controls Brazil’s phone and cable TV companies in Colombia, Peru and other South American countries. He also owns 6.4 % stock in the The New York Times Company, making him the largest stock holder not related to the company owners.
This is who kids should look up to, not some rapper that gets rich quick.

Mar 14, 2010 -
Well, I am from Mexico and we dont like him, he is only one big pickpocket, he sells his services with too high prices and veri bad quality.
Thanks God than now we have other internet and phone options, because telmex is garbage. For example you have to pay like $50 USD for 1 Mb (It used to be 512 mb) and the internet doest works well. Really it is half the bandwith and it has a lot of cuts (it goes). And thery make you sign a contract for at least 1 or 2 years with their horrible service. Also they make you “rent” the wireless moden (like $80 USD) and if you want to change company they take it.
And this is only a little, phone is another bad thing, it only let you make 100 local within the inical cost of $50 USD per month.