Best Nerdy Mother’s Day Cards

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It’s that time of year again when we show appreciation for that one person in the world who gave us life. If you live in the same city or state as your mom you might be able to take her out or bring her breakfast in bed. But for many of us, we live far away and in lieu of sending flowers (which can be rather pricey), we opt for a personalized Mother’s Day ecard or simple Facebook greeting just to let that special lady in our lives know that we’re thinking of her. Here are some nerdy Mother’s Day greeting from around the web.

Incredibles Mother’s Day eCard

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Old School Batman and Robin Mother’s Day eCard

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Wonder Woman Happy Mother’s Day eCard

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Family Guy Mother’s Day eCard

Family Guy Tough Mother eCard

Family Guy Mom Momma Mommy eCard

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 Best Nerdy Mothers Day Cards

 Best Nerdy Mothers Day Cards

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  Best Nerdy Mothers Day Cards


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