Battlefield 3 E3 In-Field Gameplay Footage

If MW 3 reminded me of The Rock, Battlefield 3 can be compared to Black Hawk Down.  Not for the actual storyline but the presentation: flying debris, the gun shots and mayhem.  The graphics looks to be higher res compared to MW 3.  But then again, it’s probably running on a high end PC while MW3 is on the Xbox 360.

0 Battlefield 3 E3 In Field Gameplay Footage

Multiplayer gameplay
0 Battlefield 3 E3 In Field Gameplay Footage

Battlefield 3 is scheduled for release on 10/25/2011 , while MW3 will be out on 11/8/2011.  It should be interesting to see which FPS will be the king of 2011.

pixel Battlefield 3 E3 In Field Gameplay Footage

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