Anime Expo in Los Angeles, Ca is in full swing with it’s first day of panels, events and merch finishing up.
Just ’cause the panels and main hall are closed doesn’t mean you have to go home, however. There’s all kinds of after hours entertainment like karaoke, tabletop gaming, video screenings, all
ages dance, and more continuing through the night.
I am looking forward to Hatsune Miku show, which will be her debut on an American stage – or should I say screen. This blue-green haired, pixel maiden will be quite the event, she is sure to be the object of great fandom. I am very curious how the whole virtual concert will play out.
There are quite a few anime/manga geared games showcasing at AX this year, Skullgirls (Autumn Games), Rusty Hearts (Perfect World) and Wakfu (Square Enix) among them. It will be a treat to play demos and check out the concept artwork.