Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Canceled, Ultimate Spider-Man Season 2 Announced

AvengersAssemble 1 669x1024 Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes Canceled, Ultimate Spider Man Season 2 Announced

It is a sad day for Marvel fans, Avengers EMH has been officially cancelled.

For months now there have been rumors of this canclelation but nothing was really confirmed until now.  The show will not be renewed for a second season but will be replaced with a new show produced by Marvel themselves (much in the vain of Ultimate Spider-Man), Avengers Assemble.The show will be more geared towards kids and will have the movies roster at the start but Ant-Man will join the team later.

But that’s not all, Marvel has also confirmed that a second season of Ultimate Spider-Man is being worked on as we speak.  It will feature more guest stars from the Marvel universe such as Wolverine, while many people don’t like the new Spider-Man show, I like it quite a bit myself since it’s a new take on the character and not just the same stories rehashed over and over.

What do you guys think of these announcements? Will you miss EMH or do are you looking forward to this new Avengers show? Give me your thoughts below in the comments section.

Also as a bonus, every week I will do an article where I will review 4 comic books I recommend for that week (and 1 I don’t).  3 comic books will be the good ones while the 4th will be a comic book I found lacking in quality and one I think you guys should not pick up, this will begin as of tomorrow and I hope to see what you think of it!

pixel Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes Canceled, Ultimate Spider Man Season 2 Announced

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