On Saturday, Arianny Celeste and the UFC ring girls wore a camo 2-piece for the Fight For The Troops Event. Arianny got the biggest cheer whenever it was her turn to hold up the round but I think Brittany Palmer is becoming my favorite. Palmer was from WEC but since it merged with UFC, she’ll be sharing the job with Arianny and Chandella.
Throughout the show, fighters and celebs asked the viewers to donate to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Some parts of the show were really emotional and UFC did a good job giving back to the troops.
I wonder if they really like each other…watch out Brittany, you’re about to get jumped

Jan 24, 2011 -
wooww.. they are too good to be true..
Jan 25, 2011 -
wowwwww.. they are really cute and adorable.. >,<