Anime Vegas 2012 was held at the Cashman convention center over this past weekend. The facilities were beautiful and provided a great venue for the event. It seemed as though there were many more attendees than previous years and the cosplayers were amazing as always. Click here to view a slideshow of the Anime Vegas cosplayers.
Here are some of the highlights from Anime Vegas 2012…
The Cashman convention center is a huge space with a lot of room for the many vendors that offered a great selection of things like plush toys, posters, t-shirts, keychains, DVDs, costumes and cosplay wigs.
This is Ronald of Game World:
There were so many panels over the course of the three days about stuff like debating Final Fantasy, horror manga, fifty shades of Cosplay, conventions around the world, as well as the ever popular AMV contest, movie screenings like Summer Wars, a masquerade ball, the Tokyo rave (back for its third year) and karaoke. Here is the panel called Photobombing 101:
and a live script reading by guest voice over artists called “Anime Radio.”
Some of the guests available for signing included:
The hugely popular Tara Strong, who lent her amazing talents to the Arkham City game as none other than Harley Quinn, as well as Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls, among many other shows.
Tabitha St. Germain, voice-over artist for such shows as Care Bears, Powerpuff Girls Z, and as “Rarity” in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to name only a few from her extensive resume.
FUNimation VO artists Jerry Jewell (Barry the Chopper from Full-Metal Alchemist, and characters from Dragon Ball GT and One Piece) and Justin Cook (Super Buu and Dende from Dragon Ball Z and Hatsaharu from Fruits Basket). Their work is also too extensive to go into fully here.
David Matranga, best known for his work on Starship Troopers: Invasion and Halo Legends, along with Tiffany Grant who was Asuka from Evangelion.
For more information, go to their website at Lots of thanks to Richard Stott and a long list of volunteers who work tirelessly to make Anime Vegas possible!