The anime series Genshiken is one of the best comedy/slice of life animes around. It has a gentle pace and pokes fun at the otaku (hard-core anime fans) in a mocking, but ultimately lovable way. The show has charm and wit and moves along at its own pace. It has the feel of real life instead of the more over-caffeinated anime comedies around such as Excel Saga or FLCL, but that suits this wonderful series just fine. The first series of episodes came out way back in 2005. Media Blasters has finally released Genshiken 2 in America and I must say, it was worth the wait. The series is as fun as it ever was. The situtations are amusing, and the in-jokes are as razor-sharp as ever, but it’s the characters that make you want to watch this series forever.
A more-confident Sasahara is now the leader of Genshiken, the college club full of misfits and otaku. The club has a new member, an Emo named Ogiue. Sasahara’s goal is to sell do a manga with the other club members and sell it at a big Comic Con. There’s also advances in the sweet relationship between cosplay-lovin Ohno and her shy, would-be suitor Tanaka. The first episode has a slower pace and allows viewers to enjoy just hanging out with the characters while the remaining three episodes have a bit more plot and the first volume ends on a surprising note. Volume 2 is also out in stores and volume 3 will be coming out in January with an artbox to hold all three volumes of season 2. Genshiken is still the best anime around, for otaku, and non-otaku alike.
Volume 1 Grade: A
Jun 27, 2010 -
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