These guys look cool but I don't know what show they're from. Hopefully by next year, I'll be more familiar with anime characters
I’ve been to Anime Expo, the past couple of years but I still don’t know much about the anime community. I mainly go for the impressive costumes and the cool people. While I still wanted to hang out with the cosplayers and take pics this year, I wanted to learn more about the Anime Culture.
So on Saturday, July 3rd, I started asking attendees about their experiences. I also talked to voice actor Kyle Hebert and several people from Artist Alley. Although I’m still far from being an Anime expert, I was glad I talked to a wide range of attendees. By the end of the day, I learned about J-pop, voice actors and Japanese fashion than I’d hope. I want to thank everybody in the video for the interviews! You guys really helped me broaden my horizon on Anime culture!
Below are the highlights:

Jul 6, 2010 -
im super sad i didnt get to go!!! It looked like a blast this year! Great video(especially the deviant art chick).
Did they say anything about Cowboy Bebop at AX? I heard the artist of Cowboy Bebop was there and that an announcement of a possible Cowboy Bebop live action movie?
Jul 6, 2010 -
The producer for the live action Cowboy Bebop was at the panel but he didn’t say much about the movie. He said they’re still working on the script. I think Keanu Reeves will play the lead.
Jul 6, 2010 -
Keanu as spike spiegel!? I dont know about that…..I suppose he could have the looks……
Jul 11, 2010 -
The top image is from the game “Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice”.
Jul 12, 2010 -
Thanks for the tip, will check it out 🙂