Spartan Cosplay Anime Expo 2007
I’m so sad that Anime Expo is finally over. It’s one of those events that I had such a blast because everybody there is into the same shit as you (that’s if you like anime of course.) My Spartan cosplay outfit made it in time for AX 2007. I had my 2 other friends, Andy and Steve, dressed up as Spartans with me on Friday. One of them, Andy, I had drama with (long story, but let’s just say his brother Denny is a dipshit who would take his own brother’s girl), so it dropped to 2 Spartans for Saturday. And Saturday, we met 2 other random Spartans. One of them went the ghetto route: Shield made of a car window sunscreen, cape tied in a knot in the front, a black boxer briefs for the underwear, and nothing else. The other: he’s got a cut body and has the cape, brooche, sandals, and spear, and everything else is left to the imagination for the fangirls, haha.
When you cosplay at a convention, expect to please the crowd and pose for pictures for a long long time. We would try to get from point A to point B, and that would take forever because everytime we stood still to pose for cameras, more people would step in and take pictures. It’s even longer with we were joined by other 300 cosplayers. It was fun though. And since 300 was known for it’s yelling, people would shout out lines from the movie, like “This is Madness!!!” We resoponded with, “This is Sparta!!!” By the end of the week of yelling lines from the movie, my voice was fucking tired.
Let me tell you guys out there, this outfit is a fucking chick magnet. Girls will run up to you and hug you (glomp), they will touch you know matter how sweaty you are, and my favorite, the licking of the chest.
San Diego Comic-Con is next. So hopefully I’ll be able to go and join my other Spartan brothers there. Until then, This is Caaaaaketoooown!!!
Check out my previous post on my process of making a 300 outfit here.