Even though it was really hot, day 2 was fun. 2 of our writers dressed up as…purple Octopus’s, yeah that’s it. One of the writer’s girlfriend dressed up as a Lolita. Talked to cos-players and just had fun messing around. The video footage should be up soon. For now, enjoy the pics (you can just hit your left and right arrow keys to navigate through the pictures).

Jul 18, 2008 -
wow AX was so much fun! thou it was the first one i have ever been too. you guys mad it very fun hope to see you next year~
Jul 18, 2008 -
fun funFUN! hey whens the vid gunna be posted?
i love this site funny XD
John Spartan
Jul 18, 2008 -
Vids will be posted soon. We have lots of footage =). The first vid will be “Metal Gear Snake Off.”