This film is based on a short story about two star-crossed lovers who keep making their way back to each other despite reluctance on the part of the “Adjustment Bureau” to let them be together. Playing off the same idea as we’ve seen in films like The Truman Show, Dark City and even the Matrix, the bureau is a group of guys in business attire who have these little notebooks which contain the maps for people’s lives and magic hats that help them transcend different planes of reality. The maps inside their notebooks change according to the way things are supposed to unfold. Matt Damon is like Neo in the way that he keeps going off grid and doing his own thing not according to plan so the Adjustment Bureau, who seem to have agents everywhere like in the Matrix, either has a guy get in his way or makes something happen which sets Damon back on track.
His love interest is played by the lovely Emily Blunt whose character is a bit of a conundrum. When she first shows up, she’s hiding out in the men’s bathroom of a hotel where Damon is supposed to be giving a speech. She has this fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants sort of attitude, straight-forward and honest – blunt, even. She’s a modern ballet dancer with a hint of gypsy thrown in. Of course, this is a breath of fresh air for Damon’s character who is a stuffy politician-type (or just trapped in one’s body) and you know how fake that world can get. Long scene short, they’re making out five minutes after meeting each other. Why so fast? Well you’ll just have to watch the film to find out!
The movie requires a bit of forgiveness on the viewer’s part over small details which would make the whole world behind the real world idea fall apart. It’s highly romantic, which makes it a great date film, and there is enough intrigue to keep the viewer wondering how it’s all going to play out. There does seem to be a bit of underlying sexism going on when you consider that all the people in control are male (although there might be some hint that the big boss is not). Also, Blunt’s character, who starts out independent, strong and someone who seems like she could jump out of a moving bus and land on her feet, toward the end is just trailing along behind Damon sniveling, grabbing her head and crying “What’s going on??” What happened to the shoeless chick from the men’s bathroom who was evading hotel security and making out with guys she just met?
While toying with the idea of free will versus destiny, the ending is ironically predictable. But Blunt and Damon have great chemistry and their eternal love thing is believable which makes up for all that other minor stuff in between. Rating: B-
[Source: Chicago Tribune]