12″ Vito Corleone

 12 Vito Corleone

Vito Corleone, one of the most recognizable characters in American cinema, will be made into an action figure by Hot Toys. The press photos are up, but the figure won’t come out until 2nd quarter of this year. The Godfather is one of my favorite movies of all time, and based on these photos, this figure looks amazing.

 12 Vito Corleone
“You can act like a MAN!!!!”

The figure is 12 inches tall, and comes with 3 hands, a cat, a glass of wine, and the infamous chair. The likeness is there, maybe Vito looks a little bit too skinny but overall it looks amazing. If this sells, then maybe they’ll make one of Michael and Sonny too.

 12 Vito Corleone
“That is not justice your daughter is still alive.”

 12 Vito Corleone
“Women and children can be careless but not men.”

pixel 12 Vito Corleone

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